Kurapika's Wedding Memories

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It is the morning of Scarlet's eighteenth birthday. She usually gets up early to make Kurapika breakfast, but this morning she is feeling sick to her stomach. Kurapika gently knocks on her door.

"Come in, dad" answers Scarlet.
"Oh, you are awake." says Kurapika as he walks over and sits on Scarlet's bed.
"Yes. I'm sorry. I'll be up in a sec." says Scarlet.
"Take your time. I just want to wish you a Happy Birthday."
"Happy Birthday to you as well." says Scarlet.
"Any special plans for today?" asks Kurapika.
"Just our usual birthday celebration." answers Scarlet.
"Really?" answers Kurapika, surprised. "I thought you were spending the day with Kento."
"No. This is our day, dad. I will always spend it with you." answers Scarlet.

Kurapika smiles. He gets up to make breakfast. Scarlet forces herself out of bed. She washes up and meets her father in the kitchen. She sits down at the table and Kurapika places her breakfast in front of her.

"Dad? I have a question." says Scarlet.
"Yes?" responds Kurapika while sitting down across from her.
"Do you still have mom's engagement ring?" asks Scarlet.

Kurapika looks down for a few seconds. He smiles as he looks back at Scarlet.
"Yes. Why do you ask?" asks Kurapika.
"I...I'd like to have it." answers Scarlet.
"I would love for you to have it. But I thought Kento was getting you a customized one." says Kurapika.
"He was. I told him I didn't want anything fancy. Then I remembered the beautiful ring mom was wearing in her pictures. It was the prettiest ring I have ever seen. I was hoping you'd still have it." says Scarlet.

Kurapika gets up to find Kohana's engagement ring. While Scarlet waits for Kurapika to return, she gets up and walks to the mantel. She stares at her parent's wedding pictures and smiles. It was a beautiful wedding. She notices how happy her parents looked. Especially her father. A tear falls from Scarlet's cheek. Kurapika returns with the ring. Scarlet looks at Kurapika.

"How come you never showed me the video of your wedding?" asks Scarlet.
"Honestly...I never watched it." answers Kurapika with a sad expression on his face.
"Seriously?" asks Scarlet, surprised.
"Yes." answers Kurapika.
"I would like to watch it. Will you show me?" asks Scarlet.
"Of course." answers Kurapika.

Kurapika goes back into his room to get his laptop. He sits down on his bed and searches for the file titled, "Mr. and Mrs. Kurta." Scarlet walks into his room and sits down next to him. Kurapika takes a deep breath before opening the file. Scarlet watches in anticipation. Kurapika double-clicks the file.

The video starts with Kurapika standing at the altar. The wedding music starts to play and he watches as Gon walks his bride down the aisle.

"Mom is so beautiful!" exclaims Scarlet with a big smile on her face.

Kurapika smiles as he watches the video.

Scarlet listens to their vows. She can't stop smiling.

"Look! Uncle Leorio is crying!" she says with a laugh while pointing at the screen.

The video ends and Kurapika stares at the screen, expressionless.

"Dad?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes?" asks Kurapika as he closes his laptop.
"Thank you for showing me." answers Scarlet.
"Of course." says Kurapika. He reaches into his pocket and hands Scarlet the ring.
"Oh my! It's...it's more beautiful in real life!" exclaims Scarlet as she examines the yellow gold ruby ring. She tries it on. "Perfect fit!"
"Yes. It looks nice on you." says Kurapika. He stands up and walks to his dresser. He pulls out a box from the top drawer. He hands it to Scarlet.
"What's this?" asks Scarlet.
"It's a present I bought your mother for Christmas the year she passed away." answers Kurapika.
"What?" asks Scarlet, confused.
"I know. It sounds bizarre." answers Kurapika as he sits back down next to Scarlet. "I didn't
cope with the loss of your mother very well. I was in denial for a long time. It just didn't seem real. I mean...I had already lost my Clan. Why did I have to lose my wife? I was angry with the world. But then I looked at you. You were so small. A beautiful reminder of Kohana." explains Kurapika.

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