I Could Not Have Asked For A Better Life

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Kurapika is having a wonderful time with his family and friends. Five days have gone by.

"How are you feeling, Kurapika?" asks Gon, concerned.
"I've never felt better!" answers Kurapika.
"Really? That's wonderful!" exclaims Gon.

Everyone is happy that Kurapika is feeling better, however, they are also confused. They thought that by now Kurapika would be worse.

Kurapika is sitting on the living room floor playing a game with his grandson. They are both laughing.

"Leorio, when we first got here, Kurapika looked terrible. But now...it's like he is back to normal." says Killua.
"Yeah, maybe he was wrong about this Emperor Time thing." says Leorio.
"I really hope so," says Killua.

Scarlet has a big smile on her face as she watches her father play with her son. It's a memory she never wants to forget. She reaches for her phone to take a picture. Juliette stops her.

"Don't worry about pictures...I'm taking care of that. You just live in the moment." says Juliette while waving her camera in the air.
"Thank you so much." says Scarlet with tear-filled eyes.

Later that evening, Kurapika is sitting on the couch with his friends. Young Kurapika fell asleep on his lap. The four friends sit and talk about memories from when they first met.

"It's a good thing Gon made that reckless move and jumped off of the ship...I was about to kick your ass!" exclaims Leorio to Kurapika.
"Let's be honest, Leorio...you would have been the one to receive an ass beating!" says Kurapika.

Everyone laughs.

Kento walks over to pick his son up.

"I'm going to take this little guy home," says Kento.
"Oh...if you must." says Kurapika.
"Don't worry, dad. We'll be back first thing in the morning." says Kento.
"Right. You sleep well." says Kurapika.

Kento looks at Scarlet.
"Will you be staying here again?" he asks.
"Yes, I need to be close to daddy." she answers.
"Well, please call me if anything changes." says Kento.
"Of course." says Scarlet.

Another three days pass by. It is early in the morning. Kurapika slowly opens his eyes. He gets up and walks to his bathroom. He looks at himself in the mirror and smiles.

I could not have asked for a better life.

Kurapika quietly walks to the kitchen. While he waits for the water to boil, he walks to the living room. He smiles as he looks around. Leorio is sleeping on the couch. He looks uncomfortable. Gon and Killua are asleep on the floor.

I have definitely been blessed with good friends.

Scarlet is sleeping in her old room. Juliette is with her.

Kurapika walks back to the kitchen to finish making his tea. He grabs a mug from the cupboard. It slips out of his hand and falls to the floor. The sound wakes Leorio up and he immediately jumps off of the couch. He runs into the kitchen and finds Kurapika on the floor surrounded by broken glass. He kneels down to check on his best friend.

"Kurapika?" he asks.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." says Kurapika as he lays on the floor.
"Let me help you up." says Leorio while picking Kurapika up.

Leorio takes Kurapika back to bed. He covers him up.

"What are you doing up so early?" asks Leorio.
"I just felt like having some tea." answers Kurapika.
"I'll make it for you." says Leorio.

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