Baby shower

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It is early spring. Kurapika and Kohana are in their bedroom getting ready to go out to celebrate Leorio's birthday.

"Is it weird that Leorio is dating my midwife?" asks Kohana.
"A little. However, she is very nice. She seems to really like Leorio." answers Kurapika.
"Yeah. At least she'll be there if I happen to go into labor." says Kohana, laughing.
"Yes, we will be covered!" agrees Kurapika.

Kohana stares at herself in her full length mirror. She is wearing a pretty flower-patterned midi dress.

"Kurapika, I'm huge!" exclaims Kohana.
"You are not. You are beautiful." says Kurapika.
"Are you sure?" asks Kohana.
"Absolutely! I don't know how it is possible, but you are more beautiful now than ever." says Kurapika.
"Oh, Kurapika! You are so good at making me feel special."
"I'm happy you feel that way." says Kurapika while putting on his suit jacket.
"Hey, leave that off." says Kohana.
"Huh?" asks Kurapika, confused.
"You are so handsome, Kurapika! How did I get so lucky?" asks Kohana while walking closer to Kurapika.
"Thank you, my love. But we really should get going." says Kurapika.
"Oh, come on! We could be a little late." says Kohana.
"I suppose. What got into you all of a sudden?" asks Kurapika.
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the fact that I have the sexiest husband in the world." says Kohana while pulling on Kurapika's tie.

Kohana sits on the bed and pulls Kurapika toward her with his tie. She kisses him. He returns the kiss and attempts to get on top of her. Her baby belly gets in the way.

"Ugh! See? I'm huge." says Kohana, frustrated.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, my Heaven. It gives us an excuse to be more creative." says Kurapika, laughing.
"Stop laughing at me!" says Kohana while throwing a hair tie at Kurapika.
"I am not laughing at you! You are just so adorable when you get frustrated. Now come on. We should get going." says Kurapika while helping Kohana get up from the bed.

They meet Leorio and his new girlfriend, Aimi at a beachside restaurant. Gon, Killua, and Alluka are also there. They are staying on the island to wait for the baby Kurta to be born.

"Ah! Look at that baby belly!" says Alluka, while hugging Kohana.
"Yeah, the baby is getting so big!" says Kohana.
"Is the baby kicking?" asks Gon.
"Not right now, but he will if Kurapika talks to him." answers Kohana.
"Wait, I thought you didn't know if you were having a boy or a girl." says Killua.
"I don't. I just feel like it's a boy." says Kohana.
"Well, make him kick! I want to feel it!" says Gon.
"Me too!" exclaims Alluka.
"Okay. Kurapika! Say something to baby Kurta, please." says Kohana.
"Sure!" says Kurapika while kneeling down to talk to Kohana's baby belly.
"That's not going to work," says Killua.
"Shhh." says Kohana.
"My precious baby Kurta. I can't believe you will actually be in my arms in a few weeks. All of your friends are already here waiting for your arrival. Please come to us safely. I promise to read you the most swashbuckling tales!" says Kurapika to his baby.
"Come! Feel!" says Kohana to the others.
"Ahh! I can feel the baby! Amazing!" says Alluka, excitedly. She kisses Kohana's stomach.
"Wow, does that hurt you?" asks Gon while the baby kicks his hand off of Kohana's stomach.
"Not at all. I love it." answers Kohana. She has a big smile on her face.
"Wait, no way that worked!" exclaims Killua while placing his hand on Kohana's stomach. The baby kicked his hand off as well.
"I can't wait to play with the baby!" says Alluka.
"Very soon!" says Kohana while walking to the table where Leorio and Aimi are sitting.

They all have a fun evening of celebration. Leorio was happy to have all of his friends there for his birthday. He was also happy to introduce his new girlfriend to Gon, Killua, and Alluka. Leorio enjoyed all of his presents. The evening ended with a cake smashed on Leorio's face by Killua.

The next week, Alluka throws Kohana a baby shower. Alluka invites everyone. She rented a private room at Kohana's favorite restaurant. She is busy putting up yellow streamers and arranging balloons. Killua is helping Alluka decorate.

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