Kurapika's wedding

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The wedding takes place in a forest on the island. The white wooden altar is beautifully decorated with greenery, assorted white flowers and string lights. There are also white chiffon curtain panels on each side of the altar. Since the wedding is very small, there are only two rows of seats on each side of the aisle. Each seat has white chiffon on the back that has been tied into a bow. Lights were strung around each palm tree that surrounded this beautiful area in the forest.

Kurapika stood at the altar waiting for Kohana. He is dressed in his royal blue and gold tabard. Leorio and Killua stand beside him. Killua is holding the rings. Alluka is selected to be Kohana's maid of honor. A few close coworkers from the hospital stand in front of their seats as they wait for the bride to walk down the aisle.

Kurapika looked out for Kohana as soon as the music started to play. Kohana is dressed in a beautiful pink and gold tabard, the design similar to Kurapika's. She has her hair down with ringlets cascading down her back. Since Kohana's father couldn't be there to give her away, Gon offered to walk her down the aisle. Kurapika has a big smile on his face. As Gon and Kohana approach the altar, Gon takes her hand and gives it to Kurapika. Gon walks up to stand next to Killua. Kurapika takes Kohana's hand as she walks up to the altar. The wedding officiant starts the wedding ceremony.

Killua hands over the rings. Kurapika begins with his vows.

"My Heaven. The sun is shining brighter than ever today because it is our wedding day. I love you with all my heart. You are my Heaven on earth. You are my happiness. I will forever be your protector. From this day on, nothing will ever harm you. I give you this ring as a sign of my love that's forever, eternal and never ending, like the circle in this ring." says Kurapika.

"My love. The sun is indeed shining brighter than ever today. However, it cannot possibly warm me as much as your love does. I choose you to be my husband, Kurapika. I vow to support you. To trust and honor you. To be your partner in all of life's adventures. I'm proud to call you my husband." says Kohana.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" says the wedding officiant.

Kurapika and Kohana kiss in front of all of their close friends. Leorio's eyes fill with tears.

"I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Kurta!" says the wedding officiant and everyone stands and claps for them.

The reception takes place in an outdoor venue next to the beach.

"You look so beautiful, Kohana!" Alluka says to Kohana.
"Thank you!" says Kohana.
"Where will you two be going for your honeymoon?" Alluka asks.
"I don't know. Kurapika won't tell me." answers Kohana.

Kurapika smiles and kisses his new wife. He has a special surprise for Kohana.

"Congratulations!" exclaims Gon.
"Yeah, I'm so happy for you both!" says Leorio.
"Yeah, he was even crying." says Killua.
"Stop it, that's embarrassing!" says Leorio to Killua.
"Thank you, everyone. Kohana and I do not have any family who could be here today. However, we are blessed to have you as friends. You are our family." says Kurapika.

After the reception, Kurapika drives Kohana to the forest. When she gets out of the car, he picks her up and walks toward an adorable little brick cottage.

"This place is so cute! Is this where we will be spending our honeymoon?" asks Kohana.
"No. This is where we will be spending our forever." answers Kurapika.
"Huh?" asks Kohana while Kurapika unlocks the arched front door.

Kurapika carries Kohana over the threshold.

"Welcome to our new home!" says Kurapika as they enter.
"This is ours?" asks Kohana in disbelief.
"Yes, my Heaven. I purchased this for you. Do you like it?" asks Kurapika as he gently sets Kohana down.

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