A bachelor party for Kurapika

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Kurapika and Kohana share the news of their engagement to Leorio.

"I'm so happy for you both!" exclaims Leorio, giving Kurapika and Kohana a hug.
"And that ring! Wow, Kurapika. Nice job!" Leorio continues.
"We want to get married right away." says Kurapika.
"What's the rush?" asks Leorio.
"My boss needs me back at the site in a few months." explains Kurapika.
"Really? You're going back?" asks Leorio.
"Yes. The mission is not yet complete." answers Kurapika.
"Damn." says Leorio.

Kohana is upset about Kurapika leaving her again. However, she wants to focus her energy on the wedding.

Kurapika takes Kohana home and returns to Leorio's apartment.

"Congratulations again, man!" says Leorio.
"Thank you, Leorio." says Kurapika.
"Too bad you need to start working soon after the wedding." says Leorio.
"Yeah, I'll have a good month with my new wife before I need to head out again." says Kurapika.
"Are you sure you want to continue with that mission? You told me it wasn't all that easy." says Leorio.
"Please don't start, Leorio. You know I do not like to leave my missions incomplete." says Kurapika.

Leorio doesn't continue with the subject. He knows how stubborn his friend can be.

"So when is the date?" asks Leorio.
"Saturday, June fourteenth." answers Kurapika.
"Wow, so exactly a month away." says Leorio.
"Yes. We have a lot of preparations even though it will be a very small wedding." says Kurapika.
"Well, that should make it a little easier," says Leorio.
"Leorio?'' asks Kurapika.
"Yeah?" responds Leorio.
"Will you be my best man?" Kurapika asks.
"Of course!" exclaims Leorio.
"Thank you." says Kurapika, smiling.

Later that night, Kurapika searches the Hunter website. He wants to see if he can find out information about the group of criminals with scorpion tattoos. The ones who hurt Kohana in the past. He comes across an article from 1999. He reads it outloud.

"A band of eighteen criminals known as The Devil's Ensemble are beheaded by a group of teenage girls. The number eighteen was used to represent the number six multiplied by three. Members were recognized by their famous scorpion tattoos. The Devil's Ensemble were known for violent crimes including kidnapping and murder. Their main goal was to find a young woman suitable to carry the devil's child. They held satanic rituals and conducted experiments on the women often leading to death. When not being experimented on, the women were left chained to the wall." Kurapika read.

Kurapika's eyes immediately turned scarlet.

"Bastards! I can't believe Kohana had to go through this! 1999 was when I took the Hunter exam so she was only seventeen." said Kurapika to himself while making a fist.
"However, what resolve she had! Kohana was capable of destroying them all." Kurapika continues.

His eyes turn back to their normal color as soon as he realizes how strong Kohana is.

"I will teach her Nen," says Kurapika.

The next month quickly passes as Kurapika and Kohana prepare for their wedding. Gon, Killua, and Alluka all come back to Orida Island to attend. They are excited for Kurapika.

The wedding is only a few days away. Leorio comes home from work around eleven at night. He walks into a dark apartment.

"Kurapika!" he yells out as he closes the door.

Leorio doesn't hear a response. He walks into Kurapika's room and notices Kurapika is already asleep for the night.

"Oh, hell no!" says Leorio while pulling the covers off of Kurapika.
"Leorio! What the hell are you doing?" asks Kurapika.
"Get ready!" demands Leorio.
"Get ready for what?" asks Kurapika, angrily.
"Your bachelor party!" answers Leorio.
"My what?" asks Kurapika.
"Just get ready. Meet you downstairs in ten minutes." says Leorio as he leaves Kurapika's room.

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