Young Kurapika

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A week later, Baby Kurapika is discharged from the hospital. Kento and Scarlet are packing up all of their belongings.

"I can't believe we finally get to take our son home!" exclaims Kento.
"I know! However, I must admit...I am a little nervous." says Scarlet.

Kento zipped his bag closed and stood in front of Scarlet. He grabbed her shoulders.

"You are going to do great. Plus, you have me." says Kento.
"I know, but what about when you go back to work?" asks Scarlet.
"I'm not going back until I know for sure you are ready." answers Kento.
"Thank you." says Scarlet.

Kurapika walks into the room.

"Ready?" asks Kurapika, excitedly.
"Yes!" answers Scarlet and Kento in unison.

Scarlet smiles as soon as she feels the sun on her face. It is a cool December day.

"It feels so good to be out of the hospital!" exclaims Scarlet.

Kurapika and Kento smile as they look at Scarlet, who is happy to be a mother.

Kurapika drives the young Kurta family home. Juliette is waiting for them at the cottage. She runs up to hug Scarlet as soon as she sees her.

"I'm so sorry I missed the birth...who knew you would go into labor early?" exclaims Juliette.
"Yeah, those pre med classes are keeping you busy, huh?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes, I finally get a break for the holidays." answers Juliette. She looks over to Kento, who is holding the car seat with Baby Kurapika in it. "The baby! Let me see him!"
"Let's go inside where it's warm," says Scarlet.

They all walk inside of the cottage. Kento takes the tiny golden haired baby out of the car seat and hands him to Juliette. Baby Kurapika is wearing a blue and red tabard that is too big on him.

"He's so tiny. Like a doll." says Juliette as she sits on the couch. She gives the baby a kiss on the head. "Hello, Kurapika. It's nice to finally meet you. How is it possible to be in love with someone you just met?"

Kurapika sits down next to Juliette to get a better look at his grandson. Juliette smiles and holds the baby closer to her chest.

"It looks like your grandfather already wants to steal you from me." Juliette says to the baby.

Kurapika laughs. Scarlet watches as her father takes the baby from Juliette. She has never seen him so happy before.

"Dad, do we need to worry about you breaking in and kidnapping Baby Kurapika?" asks Scarlet with a smile.
"Yes, probably." answers Kurapika with a laugh.

Kurapika stares at the tiny Kurta. He feels captivated by him. He leans down to give the baby a kiss. He holds him close to his chest.

"My fearless warrior, I love you so much." says Kurapika.

After spending the next few hours with the new baby, Kurapika decides to go back home to allow Scarlet and Kento to bond with Baby Kurapika alone. Juliette has already left.

Leorio is waiting for Kurapika inside of the cottage. He helped himself to a glass of green tea and is sitting at the kitchen table. He is flipping through Kurapika's copy of The Hunter's Association magazine.

"Hello, Leorio. I didn't notice you were here." says Kurapika after walking in through the back door. He sits at the kitchen table, across from Leorio.
"Yeah, I wanted to see the baby, but I saw you walking back home already. I guess I'm too late." says Leorio while pushing the magazine aside.
"Yeah. They were about to put him down for a nap." says Kurapika, smiling.

Leorio notices the smile on his best friend's face.

"You seem different." says Leorio.
"Yeah? How so?" asks Kurapika.
"Happy." answers Leorio.
"Happiness is different for me?" asks Kurapika.
" I mean..." answers Leorio, anxiously.
"It's okay, Leorio. You needn't worry about an explanation." says Kurapika with a soft laugh. He stares at nothing. "I do feel different."
"Yeah?" asks Leorio, curiously.
"Yes. I mean...I'm not saying I wasn't happy when I brought Scarlet home from the hospital. Believe me...I was. However, I was grieving at that time. It was hard for me to fully appreciate what I had. But now...this baby boy...he means the world to me. Now that my daughter is married and doesn't need me anymore, I have another purpose. To watch over Young Kurapika." explains Kurapika.
"She will always need you, Kurapika." says Leorio.
"Yes. I just wish I had more time." says Kurapika.
"What do you mean?" asks Leorio.

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