Repopulating the Kurta Clan

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Another week passes by and Kohana hasn't been well enough to go back to work. She is in bed, sound asleep. She has a terrible nightmare about Kurapika getting injured. It wakes her up. She is sweating and is feeling short of breath. Kohana runs to the bathroom to throw up.

"Kurapika is literally worrying me sick." she says to herself as she washes her face. She walks toward her bed and passes out on the floor.

Morning comes and Leorio decides to check on Kohana on his way to work. He knocks on the door. She doesn't answer. He knocks louder. She still doesn't answer.

"Okay, I'm going to punch the door down now if you don't answer!" threatens Leorio.

He has no choice but to break in. He searches for Kohana and finds her on the floor next to her bed.

"Kohana!" yells Leorio as he runs over to her.

He immediately turns her over and feels for her pulse. He is relieved when he feels her pulse and notices her breathing. Leorio holds Kohana's head up. She opens her eyes.

"Leorio? What are you doing here?" asks Kohana, her voice raspy.
"I came by to check on you and I found you on the floor." answers Leorio.
"Really? Where is Kurapika?" asks Kohana, her eyes closing again.
"Kurapika? He is working." answers Leorio.
"No, he is hurt. He is badly hurt. Please go save him." begs Kohana.
"What are you talking about?" asks Leorio.
"Someone is hurting my Kurapika. I see blood." answers Kohana.
"Okay, we are going to the hospital." says Leorio while picking Kohana up to take her to the hospital.

Leorio attempts to call Kurapika again. It goes to voicemail.

"Dammit, Kurapika! Your wife needs you! I am taking her to the hospital right now!" Leorio screams into the phone.

Meanwhile, Kurapika is at the site where the second treasure should be. He is guarding the dig. Everything is going well so he decides to step away for a moment. He notices Leorio has been trying to call him. Kurapika's heart drops as he thinks about Kohana. The thought of her distracts him long enough for someone to grab him from behind. A man dressed in all black pulls out a knife and stabs Kurapika in his side. Kurapika falls to the ground, spitting up blood. He holds onto his wound to stop the bleeding.

"Scarlet eyes!" says the man dressed in black.

Kurapika looks up while holding his wound. Luckily, his wound is not as bad as it looks. Kurapika pretends to be more hurt than he actually is.

"Who the hell are you? And how do you know about the scarlet eyes?" asks Kurapika.
"Oh, I know all about them. And your precious Kohana. You have some nerve taking the devil's place." explains the man.

Kurapika's eyes turn scarlet at the mention of Kohana.

"What did you say?" says Kurapika while standing up.

Kurapika notices the man has a tattoo of a scorpion on his neck.

"Holy chain," says Kurapika as he lifts his right hand.

Kurapika's healing thumb chain falls down and wraps around his abdomen, healing the wound on his side. Kurapika walks up to the man and grabs his neck with his left hand. The man is suddenly very afraid of Kurapika.

"I will only ask you one more time. How do you know about the scarlet eyes? And my wife?" demands Kurapika while tightening the grip on the man's neck.

The man remains silent.

"You won't answer? I will kill you right now with my bare hand!" yells Kurapika.

The man's body goes limp as his spirit leaves his body. Kurapika releases his grip and looks around, confused as to what just happened. He notices his cell phone on the ground. He picks it up to listen to his voicemail.

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