Another pair of Scarlet Eyes

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It is early in the morning. The pitter-patter of tiny feet can be heard walking across the cottage. Scarlet hops on Kurapika's bed and crawls on top of him. Kurapika is sleeping. She gently pats his face.

"Daddy! Daddy, wake up!" says Scarlet.

Kurapika slowly opens his eyes. He sees his three-year old daughter's smiling face.

"Hey. Why are you up so early?" asks Kurapika while running his fingers through Scarlet's long golden curls.
"I am hungry. Daddy, I want ice cream." says Scarlet.
"Ice cream? You can't eat ice cream for breakfast, my precious jewel." says Kurapika while laughing.
"Yes!" yells Scarlet.

Kurapika gets up to make his daughter some breakfast. He checks the time. It is five o'clock. He sleepily walks into the kitchen and boils water to cook oatmeal.

"I said ice cream!" yells Scarlet.
"You always eat oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. Never ice cream." says Kurapika.
"I don't care! Please, daddy!" says Scarlet while falling to the floor, kicking.

Kurapika walks over to her.

"Hey, Scarlet. Come here. What is the matter?" asks Kurapika while trying to calm Scarlet down.

She doesn't listen to him and she continues to kick and scream. Kurapika walks back into the kitchen to finish making the oatmeal.

"You are having oatmeal for breakfast. I don't want to hear another word about ice cream." says Kurapika.

"No! I will not! You are a mean daddy!" yells Scarlet.

Kurapika is hurt by her comment. He walks back to her.

"Scarlet, please. Scar...uh...uh..." says Kurapika while his eyes widened.

Scarlet's eyes turn scarlet. Kurapika is shocked. He doesn't know if he should feel proud or worried. He knew this was a possibility, however, he feels even more protective over her. His plan has always been to homeschool Scarlet and seeing that she now has scarlet eyes makes him more certain of his decision.

"Mean daddy!" yells Scarlet.
"Stop saying that. Come here. I promise to make your oatmeal taste better than ice cream." says Kurapika.
"Promise?" asks Scarlet while running to Kurapika.
"Yes, I will sprinkle brown sugar on top of it. It will be yummy." says Kurapika.
"Okay." says Scarlet while her eyes turn back to their grey color.

He sits her down at the kitchen table. He cools off her oatmeal and serves it to her with a side of blueberries. He sprinkles the brown sugar on top of her oatmeal, as promised. She eats it up.

"Yummy! Daddy you are right. Better than ice cream!" exclaims Scarlet with a smile on her face.

Kurapika lets out a sigh of relief. This was her first tantrum.

Scarlet jumps down from her chair and runs into her room. She drags her toy box into the living room. Kurapika checks the time. Alluka should be over at any minute. Kurapika had decided to start working again. He found a local job working as a guard. He had regular work hours so he could spend as much time as possible with Scarlet. He had hired Alluka to care for Scarlet while he worked. Gon, Killua, and Alluka decided to make Orida Island their home.

Killua drops Alluka off and Kurapika gets ready for work. He kneels down to give Scarlet a goodbye kiss.

"Daddy will be back soon. Be good for Aunt Alluka." says Kurapika.
"Daddy is going to work now? I miss you, daddy." says Scarlet.
"Don't you worry. Guess what? When I get back, Uncle Leorio is going to meet us at the park with Juliette!" says Kurapika.
"Yay! Juri!" exclaims Scarlet.
"I love you, my precious jewel." says Kurapika.
"I love you, daddy." says Scarlet while hugging Kurapika.

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