Kurapika's roommate

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Everyone except Gon and Alluka look at Killua in shock. Killua is staring at Gon with widened eyes.

"What the hell is he talking about, Killua?" asks Mina, angrily.

Killua is still staring at Gon. Gon doesn't notice. Killua slowly turns to look at Mina. Her face is red.

"I...I can explain," says Killua.
"Let's hear it." says Mina.

Killua looks back at everyone sitting around the table. They are all waiting to hear Killua's explanation.

"Were you married before?" asks Mina while tears form in her eyes.

Killua looks down.

"Yes." Killua answers quietly.
"You didn't think that was important enough to tell me?" asks Mina.
"It...it didn't mean anything." answers Killua.
"Well, it obviously meant enough to get married. I'm so done. Here is your ring back. And you don't get a third chance, Killua. I'm getting the fuck out of here!" yells Mina while taking the ring off and handing it to Killua.

Mina runs upstairs to pack her bags. When she is finished, she leaves the house.

Killua stares at Gon again. Gon is just looking at his baby in the bassinet. Killua walks over to him and slaps the back of his head.

"Ouch! What was that for?" asks Gon, confused. He rubs his head.
"Dammit, Gon! Why the hell would you ask me about my divorce?" asks Killua, angrily.
"I didn't know it was a secret." answers Gon.

Leorio and Kurapika look at Gon and Killua with surprised looks on their faces.

"Hold on. You were married, Killua? How come we didn't know about this?" asks Leorio.
"Because it didn't mean anything!" answers Killua.

Gon looks at Killua.

"Yes, it did. You loved that girl." says Gon with a big smile on his face.

Killua slaps Gon again.

"That's enough from you, Gon!" exclaims Killua.

Leorio and Kurapika are still waiting for Killua to explain.

"When was this?" asks Leorio.

Killua sits back down and puts his arms behind his neck. He closes his eyes.

"I don't remember. I was around twenty-two, twenty-three, I guess. I thought I was in love. We got married within a few months. Then it all went to hell. The crazy bitch still won't sign the papers." explains Killua.

"Wait. You're still married?" asks Kurapika.
"Yep. There is still a Mrs. Zoldyck out there." answers Killua.
"Ummm...Killua? That's not good. She legally has rights to whatever you own. She can also make important decisions in the event something were to happen to you." explains Kurapika.
"You don't think I know this?" asks Killua, annoyed.

Gon starts to laugh and looks at Killua.

"Hey, Killua! Remember when I had to bail you two out of jail?" asks Gon.
"Didn't I say that was enough, Gon?" asks Killua, angrily.

Leorio stands up.

"Wait! You were arrested?" asks Leorio, in shock from all of the news.
"Yes." answers Killua.
"What the hell for?" asks Leorio.
"Having sex in a public area." answers Killua.

Kurapika covers Scarlet's ears.

"Okay, that's enough for now. Killua, when we get back home, you are going to take care of this right away!" exclaims Kurapika.
"Okay, mom," says Killua.

A few days later, Kurapika, Leorio, Killua, Alluka, and their families are back on Orida Island. Killua slowly walks up to his condo. He is not surprised when he sees all of his belongings scattered around the front door. His surfboard is broken in half.

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