Leorio's news

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Kurapika is anxiously waiting for Leorio to come back out with an update on Scarlet. Leorio made Kurapika sit in the waiting room. Leorio knew his friend wouldn't want to watch the procedures being done to his baby.

Leorio comes out to get Kurapika.

"How is she?" asks Kurapika while standing up.
"She is fine. I had to admit her to the hospital though. She is in my unit." answers Leorio.
"But, why?" asks Kurapika.
"I want to wait until the cultures come back. That way I'll know exactly how to treat her." answers Leorio.
"How long will that take?" asks Kurapika.
"At least forty-eight hours." answers Leorio.
"Two days?" asks Kurapika.
"You can stay with her. Actually, I figured you would, so I sent Gon and Killua to get you clothes from your house." says Leorio.
"You really do think of everything. Thank you. So they are still on the island?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah, they actually rented a condo for a few months." answers Leorio.
"Oh. Well, can I go see my daughter now?" asks Kurapika.
"Sure, let's go." answers Leorio.

They go up to the pediatrics unit. Kurapika looks around thinking Kohana will appear. They pass the hospital room where Kurapika first met Kohana. Leorio wraps his arm around Kurapika. They enter Scarlet's room and Kurapika runs over to see her. He starts to panic when he sees her I.V. and the monitor.
"What's all of this? My baby!" yells Kurapika.
"Shh. Calm down, Kurapika. She is fine. That is just her I.V. in her arm. It is how she is receiving antibiotics. And she doesn't necessarily need the monitor. I just want to keep an extra watch on her." explains Leorio.
"I'm sorry, Leorio. I just don't want anything to happen to her." says Kurapika.
"I understand," says Leorio.

Kurapika sits down on the small couch and puts his face in his hands.

"I thought I was doing okay. However, I found a letter Kohana had written to me while she was pregnant. I feel like I am back to where I started." explains Kurapika.

Leorio sits next to his friend.

"Look. It is completely normal to start back from the beginning. You have experienced a lot of trauma in your life. More than any human ever should." says Leorio.
"It's just really hard to even breathe sometimes." says Kurapika.

Leorio gives Kurapika a hug. At that moment, Gon and Killua enter the room.

"Oh, sorry! Are we interrupting a special moment?" asks Killua.
"Hey, shut up!" exclaims Leorio.
"You're fine. How have you been? And where's Alluka?" asks Kurapika.
"Oh, we left her sleeping. She wouldn't want to see Scarlet sick anyway. How is she doing?" asks Killua.
"She is doing much better. Her fever broke and she is on antibiotics." answers Leorio.
"That's great news! Good thing she has the best doctor! Oh, here are your things, Kurapika." says Gon while handing Kurapika his bag.
"Thank you." says Kurapika while taking the bag. He gets up to check on Scarlet.
"Kurapika, the nurses will watch over Scarlet tonight. You get some sleep." says Leorio while converting the couch into a bed for Kurapika.
"Thank you. I think I will." says Kurapika.

Leorio, Gon, and Killua leave the hospital. Kurapika gives Scarlet a kiss and then falls asleep. He dreams about Kohana. In his dream, Kohana is holding Scarlet. Kurapika jolts from the couch. He quickly goes to check on Scarlet. He thinks his dream means that Scarlet will be with Kohana soon. His heart is racing. At that moment, Scarlet's day nurse walks in to administer her antibiotic.

"Oh, good morning, Mr. Kurta! I'm Midori. I'll be taking care of Scarlet today!" exclaims Midori. She was friends with Kohana.
"Good morning." says Kurapika.
"Are you okay?" asks Midori. She notices Kurapika looks distressed.
"I'm fine, thank you. How is Scarlet doing?" asks Kurapika.
"She's doing great! Dr. Paradinight will be by this morning to check on her." explains Midori.
"Thank you. You were at my wedding, weren't you?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes, I was! It was the cutest little wedding I have ever been to. You both looked so adorable up there!" exclaims Midori.
"Thank you." says Kurapika, smiling. He is thinking about his wedding day.
"I...I am sorry about Kohana." says Midori, uncomfortably. She sits down next to Kurapika.
"Oh, that's not necessary. Please, let's just remember the happy moments like the wedding." says Kurapika. He appreciates her sympathy, however, he is tired of the constant reminder.
"Sure, I agree. I have a lot of happy memories of Kohana. We have been friends since she started here." says Midori while smiling.
"Really? Do you mind sharing some of those with me? I'm sorry. You are probably really busy." says Kurapika.
"I can spare a few minutes. You are my patient too." says Midori.

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