Trouble on Whale Island

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A few months later, Kurapika and Scarlet are packing for their trip to Whale Island. It is the end of the summer and Gon's baby will be born any day now. Everyone wants to be present to meet him.

"Leave your suitcase by the front door when you are finished packing," says Kurapika.
"Yes, daddy! I am almost finished." says Scarlet.
"Are you excited? This will be your first time off of the island." asks Kurapika.
"Yes! Juliette and I are going to have the best time!" answers Scarlet.

Kurapika smiles while he checks everything off of his packing list.

"I think we have everything! Time to get ready for bed, my precious jewel." says Kurapika.
"Daddy? You told me you would give me some jenny for helping you with chores yesterday. Please don't forget." says Scarlet.
"Oh, that's right! Let me grab my wallet. You helped me a lot and I appreciate that." says Kurapika.

Kurapika opens his wallet to look for some jenny to give Scarlet. Scarlet watches him while she patiently waits.

"What's that, daddy?" asks Scarlet while pointing to one of the cards in his wallet.

"Oh, that's my Hunter's license." answers Kurapika.
"Can I see it?" asks Scarlet.
"Sure." answers Kurapika while handing his license to Scarlet.

Scarlet inspects the license.

"This is what you had to take a difficult exam for?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes. It's not an ordinary license." answers Kurapika while taking out some cash to give Scarlet.
"Interesting." says Scarlet while she hands it back to Kurapika.
"Thank you. Here you go." says Kurapika while handing Scarlet some money.
"Five thousand jenny? Thank you so much! This is going straight into my jar!" exclaims Scarlet while running to her bedroom.

She places the money into her jar of savings. Kurapika follows her into her room.

"You sure do have a lot of money saved," says Kurapika.
"Yep. I have way more than Juliette. She spends all of the money she gets right away." says Scarlet.
"What are you saving up for?" asks Kurapika.
"Not sure yet." answers Scarlet.

Kurapika and Scarlet get ready for bed. They are meeting everyone at the airport early in the morning. Kurapika tucks Scarlet into her bed and he walks into his bedroom. He grabs a book and crawls into bed. He stays up to read for a few hours. He becomes completely engrossed in his book that he didn't notice Scarlet sneak into his bed. She gets under the covers and places her hand on Kurapika. She startles him.

"Hey, where did you come from?" asks Kurapika with a smile.
"I had a bad dream. Please let me sleep with you." answers Scarlet.
"Of course. What was your dream about?" asks Kurapika while placing his book on his nightstand.
"Daddy, it was the worst! I had a dream that a big monster made from water came to drown us!" answers Scarlet.
"That does sound bad. Don't you worry though. I am here to keep you safe." says Kurapika.
"Please hold me," says Scarlet.

Kurapika wraps his arms around his little girl.

"Go to sleep. I'm right here." says Kurapika.
"Okay. Daddy?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes, my precious jewel?" asks Kurapika.
"Are you excited to see Uncle Gon's baby?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes. I am very excited." answers Kurapika.
"Me too. I just hope Aunt Gen doesn't die." says Scarlet.
"Why would she die?" asks Kurapika. He is shocked by her comment.
"Giving birth. My mommy died after giving birth to me." answers Scarlet.
"Uh...don't worry about Gen. Unfortunately, your beautiful mommy had an underlying condition we were unaware of." says Kurapika.
"Would mommy still be alive if she never had me?" asks Scarlet.

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