Hunters make the worst patients

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The next morning, Scarlet wakes up to the sunlight coming in through the windows. She looks at Kento. He is sleeping peacefully. She smiles and kisses his cheek. He opens his eyes and smiles back at her.

"Good morning, beautiful." says Kento.
"Good morning." says Scarlet. She is full of happiness.

Scarlet slips her dress back on. She stands up to search for her phone. She is curious to see if Kurapika has called her. No messages. She looks back at Kento.

"Is everything okay?" asks Kento, sitting up.
"Yes. Everything is perfect." answers Scarlet with a smile.
"Come here, my love." says Kento with his arms out.

Scarlet sits back down on the futon. Kento wraps his arms around her.

A half an hour later, Scarlet is getting ready for the day. She looks in the mirror while she brushes her hair. She can't stop smiling. Kento is making her some eggs and rice. She gets out of the bathroom and they both eat their breakfast on the floor.

"Sorry for my lack of furniture. It's not like I could fit anything in here anyway." says Kento.
"I don't mind." says Scarlet.

Scarlet is chewing her rice when she is suddenly overcome with a terrible feeling in her heart. Her eyes widened. Kento notices her expression.

"What is it?" asks Kento, concerned.
"I don't know. I...I need to go home. Now!" answers Scarlet as she places her bowl down and stands up. Kento stands up as well.

Kento drives Scarlet back to her cottage. She notices her father's car is in the driveway.

"Wasn't my dad supposed to work today?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes. We had a few cases lined up." answers Kento.
"Then what is he doing at home? He is always out of the house before sunrise." asks Scarlet as she gets out of the car.

Kento follows Scarlet into her house.

"Daddy?" Scarlet calls out as she takes off her shoes.

She doesn't get a reply.

"Daddy?" she calls out again as she walks in the house.

She walks towards Kurapika's bedroom. She is about to pass the living room when she notices Kurapika on the floor. She screams loudly as she runs towards him.

Kento runs to where Scarlet is when he hears her scream. His eyes widened as he watched Scarlet cry while holding Kurapika. He kneels down and picks Kurapika's head up. He sees the dried blood around Kurapika's mouth. Scarlet is shaking.
Kento places two fingers over Kurapika's carotid artery. He feels a pulse and sighs in relief.

"It's going to be okay, Scarlet. Call for an ambulance. We need to get him to a hospital." says Kento and he reaches into his pocket and throws her his phone.

Scarlet catches his phone and immediately calls for an ambulance. She holds Kurapika's hand and cries as they wait for the ambulance to arrive. Kento gets up to grab some washcloths to wipe the blood away from Kurapika's face.

Minutes later, the paramedics arrive with a stretcher. One of them asks Scarlet what happened.

"I don't know. We just got home and found him on the floor." answers Scarlet between sobs.

The paramedic explains the situation to the Emergency Department through her walkie-talkie.

Kento picks Kurapika up and settles him on the stretcher. Scarlet notices the pool of blood on the floor. She gets up and runs over to the ambulance. The paramedics are pushing Kurapika into the ambulance. She grabs Kurapika's hand.

"It's going to be okay, daddy!" exclaims Scarlet. She kisses her father's forehead and allows the paramedics to hook him up to the monitor.

Scarlet gets out of the ambulance and anxiously watches as they drive away with her father.

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