Kurapika's Parenting Challenge

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Kurapika slowly turns to face Kento. His eyes are scarlet.

"Kento, we are in the middle of a hunt. What the hell makes you think this is an appropriate time to tell me something like that?" asks Kurapika.
"I'm sorry. It's just that I wanted to tell you as soon as possible." answers Kento.

A stack of boxes on the other side of the factory falls down. Kurapika quickly turns back around to see where the commotion is coming from. He sees his target.

"You stay here. You'll only slow me down." instructs Kurapika.

Kento obeys and watches as Kurapika jumps out, flips, and releases his dowsing chain to attack his target. Kento has learned a lot from Kurapika over the past year. Kurapika took him in and became his mentor. Kurapika even made him his partner even though he prefers to work alone. Kento can't help but feel a little guilty about seeing Scarlet behind his back.

They walk away from the factory after Kurapika completes his mission. Kento looks at Kurapika. There is an angry expression on his face. Kento swallows hard. They continue to walk until they reach Kurapika's white luxury sports car. Kurapika checks his phone before getting in. After finding out who he needs to catch next, he calls Scarlet.
"I want that extra assignment I gave you to be completed before I get home tonight." says Kurapika into the phone.

Kento is standing in front of the passenger door, looking at Kurapika. He can't hear Scarlet's reply, but it sounds like she is arguing with Kurapika.

"I don't care how much work you have. You have recently been given the gift of time. Make use of it." says Kurapika before ending his call.

Kento also feels guilty for getting Scarlet in trouble with Kurapika.

Kurapika looks at Kento.

"What are you looking at? Get in the damn car." says Kurapika.

They both get in and Kurapika drives off.

"Our next target was last seen in a small town three hours away from here." says Kurapika.

Kento doesn't reply. He notices the car is moving faster. He looks over to the speedometer. It passes one hundred miles per hour. Kento is a little nervous because he has never seen Kurapika speed like this before.

They reach their destination in half the time. Kurapika parks his car in the middle of a vast area. The ground is covered with sand. The small town is still a mile away. Kurapika always parks his car far from his hunting site. Before Kurapika gets out of the car, he looks at Kento.

"Just stay in the car. It will be faster if I go alone." says Kurapika. He gets out and slams the door shut.

Kento stays in the silent car for the next hour. He can hear his own heartbeat. Sweat starts to form on his forehead. He can see Kurapika approaching. Kento notices that Kurapika's suit is torn up. He quickly gets out of the car and runs to him.

"Mr. Kurta, are you okay?" asks Kento.
"Of course I am." responds Kurapika as he takes his torn suit jacket off.

Kurapika checks his phone.

"We are done for the day." says Kurapika as he opens his car door and throws his torn jacket and phone in. He slams his door shut and walks over to Kento, who is still standing outside of the car.

Kento nervously watches as Kurapika walks over to him.

"First of all, I want to reiterate the importance of not bringing up personal matters while hunting. It will only slow you down and make you question your moves." explains Kurapika.
"Yes, sir." says Kento.
"Secondly, define love," says Kurapika.

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