Kurapika's hunting assignment

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Kurapika begins his search for Killua's wife. Killua had given him a picture of Kaiya. She is a tiny girl with short black hair, long bangs, and brown eyes. In the picture, she is wearing a black plaid skirt with a rock band t-shirt. She has on knee high black combat boots and is wearing a leather garter around one of her thighs. She is also wearing long striped gloves.

Kurapika searches the Hunter website for a Kaiya Zoldyck.

"Hmmm...it's just showing her previous address. No other records of any sort. You would think there would be more information since she is using the Zoldyck name." says Kurapika to himself.

Kurapika decides to start at her previous apartment complex. He questions a few of the residents to see if they knew Kaiya. One female resident recognizes the picture.

"That crazy girl? Yeah, we were friends. Before she saw me hang out with someone else. She came at me with scissors and threatened to cut my hair!" explains the resident.
"Did you file a report?" asks Kurapika.
"No use. They never do anything about stuff like that." says the resident.
"Do you know where she might have gone?" asks Kurapika.
"Hell no. I'm glad she left." answers the resident.

Kurapika sits in his car. He stares at Kaiya's picture.

"Rock band t-shirt. Maybe she is into music." Kurapika says to himself.

Kurapika drives to a nearby music store. He asks the owner if he recognizes Kaiya.

"Oh, yeah! She used to come by for guitar lessons every Tuesday. Haven't seen her in about three months though." says the owner.
"I appreciate your time." says Kurapika.

Kurapika gets into his car again.

"Damn. Killua left me without any information. How can you be married to someone and not know a thing about them?" Kurapika asks himself.

Kurapika pulls his cell phone out of his pocket. He logs on his fake social media account that he created for hunting purposes. He found an account with the name, "Mrs. Kitty Zoldyck." She posted a picture almost two weeks ago. Kurapika zooms in on the picture. He notices a wound on her left forearm. He immediately calls Leorio.

"Hello, Leorio. Are you available for a quick lunch? I need to ask a favor." asks Kurapika.
"Sure. I don't have any surgical cases today. I can meet you in about thirty minutes." answers Leorio.
"That's perfect. See you soon." says Kurapika.

Kurapika and Leorio meet at a local cafe.

"Thank you for meeting me on such short notice, Leorio." says Kurapika while he takes a seat.
"We're friends. No need to thank me. Why are you treating this like some sort of business meeting?" asks Leorio, confused. He sits down next to Kurapika.
"Because I am actually on a job. I'm searching for Killua's wife." answers Kurapika.
"Oh, really? How can I help?" asks Leorio.
"See this picture?" asks Kurapika while showing Leorio the recent picture of Kaiya on his phone.
"Yeah. She's cute." answers Leorio.
"Look at her left forearm. There appears to be a wound on it. It looks bad. Bad enough to seek medical attention. Do you think you can look through the hospital records for any recent reports on her?" asks Kurapika.
"Hello no, Kurapika! I can't just access anyone's medical records! I can go to jail for that." exclaims Leorio.
"It's an official hunting case," says Kurapika.
"Are you sure?" asks Leorio.
"Yes." answers Kurapika.
"If you say so," says Leorio while he grabs his tablet.
"Trust me." says Kurapika.

Leorio searches for Kaiya's medical record on his tablet.

"Hmmm...Kaiya Zoldyck. Yep. You're right, Kurapika. She was seen two weeks ago for an intentional injury to her left forearm. She stayed in observation for two days and received I.V. antibiotics and wound care." says Leorio.
"Wait! Did you say intentional injury?" asks Kurapika.
"Yep. Suicide attempt." answers Leorio.
"A suicide attempt?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah, it was most likely for attention. Judging by the photos of her wound, it doesn't look like she put much effort into it." explains Leorio while looking at the pictures of Kaiya's wound from her medical record.
"Okay, please look at her facesheet and give me the address she used." says Kurapika.
"Okay. Wait! Her address is in a ritzy area on the island. Did Killua say she was loaded?" asks Leorio.
"No. And I just came from her previous apartment complex that she moved out of only a few months ago. It was in a low-class area. There is no way she would have enough money to move into an upscale neighborhood so quickly." says Kurapika.
"Unless she found herself a sugar daddy," says Leorio.
"Unlikely since she is hoping Killua will reconcile with her." says Kurapika.

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