Emperor Time

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Kurapika is on the hard cold ground. He is surrounded by bright lanterns. He slowly opens his eyes. He is disoriented from the amount of blood he lost. He attempts to reposition himself, however, the ropes tied around him are making it difficult for him to move.

"Oh, you're awake?" says the Kohana doppelganger.

She is putting supplies together to bury Kurapika.

"Ko...Kohana?" whispers Kurapika.
"Yes, my dear?" asks the doppelganger.
"Have I died?" asks Kurapika.
"Not yet." she answers.
"So...am I dying?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes. It shouldn't take much longer." answers the doppelganger.
"I see. I never imagined dying would be this painful. There is an excruciating pain in the back of my neck." says Kurapika while wincing in pain.
"You just need to endure it a bit longer." says the doppelganger.
"Did you feel pain while you were dying? Please tell me you didn't." says Kurapika.

The Kohana doppelganger is getting annoyed with Kurapika.

"Why is he taking so long to die?" she asks.

"Did you say something?" asks Kurapika.
"No, darling. I just want you to die so we can finally be together." she says.
"Oh, will you stay by my side?" asks Kurapika.

She walks over to Kurapika and kneels down to get closer to him. He is covered in his own blood. His suit is torn from the tight ropes that are wrapped around him. She leans down and kisses Kurapika. He attempts to return the kiss. He is too weak to kiss her back.

"I need to step out for a moment, my sweet Kurta. You should be dead by the time I get back. Just don't avoid the light." explains the Kohana doppelganger as she stands to leave.
"Okay. I...I will try to hurry." whispers Kurapika.

The Kohana doppelganger leaves her hideout which is located inside of a cave. She runs through the forest. She arrives at the square and walks around. The streets are empty. It is two in the morning.

She can see two people ahead of her. They are walking toward her. When they meet, she passes the two without looking at them. They look directly at her. She walks faster.

"Gon, did you just see that?" asks Killua in shock.
"Yes, that looked just like Kohana!" exclaims Gon.
"What the hell is going on here? asks Killua.
"I don't know, but something tells me we should keep an eye on her." says Gon.
"You're right." says Killua.

Gon and Killua stalk the Kohana doppelganger. They watch her enter an old bar. She comes out minutes later holding a paper bag. She walks all the way to the cemetery to where Kohana's gravesite is located. She takes a wine bottle out of the paper bag and opens it.

"You will be united with your precious love very soon!" she laughs while gulping the wine from the bottle.

Gon and Killua are watching her from a tree. They are confused.

The doppelganger pours the rest of the wine on Kohana's grave. She leaves the cemetery. Gon and Killua continue to follow her.

Kohana's gravesite suddenly lights up with her multi-colored aura. Nobody is there to see it.

Back inside of the cave, Kurapika is waiting to see Kohana again. He is going in and out of consciousness.

A multi-colored light appears before Kurapika. He recognizes it and smiles.

"This must be the light." says Kurapika while he closes his eyes.

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