The arrival of The Kurta Clan's newest member

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"My Heaven, are you certain?" asks Kurapika, panicking.
"Yes, I'm certain! Oh my goodness! It hurts so bad!" says Kohana while trying to focus on her breathing.
"Okay! Umm, where is the bag? Are you ready?" Kurapika asks while running around the room trying to get ready as fast as he can.
"No, I'm not ready! I need to change my clothes!" shouts Kohana while attempting to put pants on.
"Let me help you!" exclaims Kurapika.

Kurapika kneels down to help Kohana change into a pair of pants.

"What is going on?" asks Kurapika, standing up quickly and in a panic.
"Umm, I think my water just broke!" answers Kohana.
"Okay, we can do this! Let me just find you a different pair." says Kurapika.

He finds Kohana a different change of clothes and helps her get dressed. He quickly pulls on his suit pants and a shirt. He finds Kohana's hospital bag.

"Okay, I think we are set. Let's go!" says Kurapika.

Kurapika helps Kohana into the car and shuts the door. Before he gets into the driver's seat, he says a prayer.

"Please allow a safe journey for our baby Kurta." Kurapika says out loud.

He gets into the car and drives as fast he can to the hospital.

They check into the Emergency Department and Kohana gets wheeled up to Labor and Delivery. She changes into a hospital gown and the nurse wraps two monitors around Kohana's belly. The nurse checks Kohana's cervix.

"Three centimeters, Mrs. Kurta." says the nurse.
"Ugh, that's it?" asks Kohana.
"Are you interested in an epidural?" asks the nurse.
"No, thank you." answers Kohana.
"Okay. Well, I will be back shortly to check on you." says the nurse as she leaves.

Kurapika cannot contain his excitement.

"The day has finally come! We are going to meet our baby Kurta today!" exclaims Kurapika.
"Darling, I know you are excited and everything, but I am in a lot of pain over here!" explains Kohana.
"What can I do to help, my Heaven?" asks Kurapika.
"Just hold my hand, please." answers Kohana.
"Anything." says Kurapika while running to Kohana and grabbing her hand.

Kurapika helps her through the contractions. They are getting stronger. Two hours pass by.

"Nurse! Please check me again!" demands Kohana.

At that moment, Kohana's midwife walks in. It is Aimi who is on call. Kohana is relieved to see her.

"Kohana! I'm so happy to be here on your special day!" exclaims Aimi.
"Yes, me too. Aimi, I am so miserable. Please tell me I am close!" says Kohana, exhausted.

Aimi checks Kohana's cervix.

"Four centimeters." says Aimi.
"What? That can't be! I have been here for hours!" exclaims Kohana.
"First babies normally take longer." explains Aimi.
"I can't continue. Kurapika, I can't do this!" says Kohana.
"You are doing great, my love. If I could take the pain I surely would." says Kurapika.
"Well, you can't! So get out of here!" yells Kohana.

Kurapika doesn't know how to respond. Aimi notices his confusion.

"It's okay. Just step out for a few minutes to give her some space. Women in labor get like this. It's not you." explains Aimi.

Kurapika steps out and sits in the waiting area. He decides to take this opportunity to call Leorio.
"Hello, Leorio? We are at the hospital. Kohana is in labor." says Kurapika.
"What? Okay, let me gather everyone up and we will be right there!" says Leorio.

Kurapika hangs up his phone and puts it in his pocket. He puts his head down and closes his eyes. He is thankful for everything that has happened to him. He thinks about when he first met Kohana. He felt like it was love at first sight. Kurapika then thinks about how he took Kohana to The Lukso Province to propose. He felt like the luckiest man in the world when she said yes. Now, he is having a baby he never thought he'd have. The Kurta Clan can start over. After everything that has happened to Kurapika in the past, his heart is no longer filled with sadness and rage. It is now filled with happiness and love.

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