The Aura

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April Fourth

Kurapika is sitting in his kitchen. He made himself a cup of coffee, but he doesn't feel like drinking it. He is thinking about today. Exactly one year ago, he was rushing to get Kohana to the hospital. He looks out the window. The sun is rising. Kurapika has a big day planned. He wants to spend most of it visiting Kohana. Scarlet is also having her first birthday party. He doesn't even acknowledge that it is his birthday as well. He is twenty-eight.

Scarlet wakes up. She is in her crib playing with one of her toys. Kurapika walks over to get her. He picks her up and kisses her head. He holds her tightly.

"Happy birthday, my precious jewel. Aunt Alluka is preparing a beautiful celebration for you. Today is definitely a day to celebrate." Kurapika says to Scarlet.

He gently sets her on the floor. She recently started walking. She smiles and walks over to her play area. Kurapika goes back into the kitchen to drink his coffee. The coffee is now cold. He walks to his bedroom to make his bed. He notices Scarlet's baby book on his nightstand. He left it out to place her first birthday pictures in it. He walks to his couch to watch Scarlet play. Kurapika feels tired. He is still having trouble sleeping. Minutes later, he falls asleep while sitting on the couch. He can see Kohana in his brief dream. Scarlet is playing with her wooden blocks. She picks up a block and walks over to Kurapika. She takes the block and slams it onto Kurapika's foot. He awakens immediately.

"Ouch! Scarlet, what was that?" exclaims Kurapika while holding his foot.

Scarlet shows him the block and smiles.

"It was only a block? That really hurt. You are strong, aren't you?" says Kurapika.
"Come here. I guess I deserved that. I shouldn't have fallen asleep. Forgive me." says Kurapika while picking Scarlet up.

Kurapika can feel his phone vibrating. He has already been receiving texts from his friends. They all are wishing Kurapika and Scarlet a happy birthday.

"Let's get ready, my precious jewel. We have a big day ahead." says Kurapika while standing up.

He prepares breakfast for Scarlet. She eats her oatmeal and Kurapika takes her into the nursery to get her dressed. He dresses her in a light pink tabard similar to the one Kohana wore at her wedding. He combs her golden curls and leaves them down. Her hair is now shoulder-length. Kurapika smiles and takes a picture of her.

He sets her back down next to her play area so he could get ready. As soon as he is finished dressing up, he hears a knock on his door.

"Kurapika! It's me! Open up!" exclaims Alluka. She is holding a big box of decorations.

Kurapika opens the door for her.

"Good morning, Alluka. Here, let me take that from you." says Kurapika while taking the box from her.

"Happy birthday, Kurapika!" exclaims Alluka while giving Kurapika a hug.
"Me? Oh, that's right. It is my birthday as well." says Kurapika.

Alluka kisses Kurapika on the cheek and runs over to see Scarlet.

"Happy birthday, pretty girl! Your daddy has you all dressed up already!" Alluka says to Scarlet.

Scarlet smiles at Alluka and shows her a wooden block. Scarlet pulls the block back and is about to slam it on Alluka.

"Scarlet! No!" exclaims Kurapika while he quickly takes the block away from Scarlet.

Kurapika scares Scarlet with his yell and she begins to cry.

"Awww! Did daddy scare you?" says Alluka, frowning.
"She would have really hurt you. She got me earlier. I can't believe her strength." says Kurapika.
"Don't cry, sweet baby. Daddy didn't mean to scare you." says Alluka while comforting Scarlet.

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