Questions for Kurapika

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Two years later

"Come on, Scarlet! We need to get going." Kurapika calls out to Scarlet.
"Coming, daddy. I don't know which doll I want to take with me." says Scarlet while running toward Kurapika.
"I like this one." says Kurapika while kneeling down to Scarlet and picking out one of her dolls.
"Yes! I like her too! Thanks, daddy!" exclaims Scarlet.
"Now, let's get going. We have a lot of shopping to do today. Uncle Leorio will be meeting us." explains Kurapika while picking Scarlet up and taking her to the car.

Kurapika arrives at the general merchandise store and looks around for Leorio and Juliette. Scarlet is about to begin her second year of homeschool. Juliette is starting her first year. Alluka is their teacher. Kurapika and Leorio had a lot of supplies to purchase. Leorio hates shopping, however, he agreed to go today to catch up with Kurapika.

"Hey, Kurapika!" shouts Leorio from the dollar section in front of the store.

Kurapika grabs a shopping cart and heads toward Leorio. Scarlet runs to Juliette as soon as she sees her.

"Hey, Scarlet! Do not run away from me like that!" shouts Kurapika.
"She's fine, Kurapika." says Leorio.
"Hello, Leorio." says Kurapika.
"Ready to do this?" asks Leorio while pulling out the shopping list Alluka made him.
"Yeah." answers Kurapika.

"Juliette! Look at this pretty doll I have! This one is my daddy's favorite." says Scarlet while showing off her doll.
"Oh, yeah? Check out all of my dolls!" exclaims Juliette while trying to hold all ten of her dolls.
"What? Your daddy allows you to bring more than one with you?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes. Your daddy doesn't?" asks Juliette.
"No. He says there is a greater chance of me losing one if I did." answers Scarlet.
"No way! Anyway, daddy says I can get another one if I'm good today." says Juliette with a big smile on her face.

They all continue to walk to the school supply section. Kurapika and Leorio fill their carts with supplies.

"Ugh, how did I get dragged into doing this?" asks Leorio, complaining.
"I thought you volunteered." answers Kurapika.
"Yeah. I just can't wait to grab a beer when this is over." says Leorio.
"It's not that bad. We should have almost everything. Alluka is so picky with these supplies. However, she does an excellent job homeschooling." says Kurapika.
"Yeah, I know Juliette is excited to start." says Leorio.
"Hey, how is pediatric surgery training?" asks Kurapika.
"It's exhausting." answers Leorio while yawning.
"Well, it's one step closer to reaching your life goal," says Kurapika.
"Yeah, you're right." says Leorio.

"Daddy! Time to look at toys! I've been a good girl!" exclaims Juliette while tugging at Leorio's pants.
"Alright., let's go." says Leorio.

They all go to the toy section of the store. The girls look at the large selection of dolls in amazement. Juliette starts to throw random dolls into Leorio's shopping cart.

"Daddy, do I get a toy as well? I have been a good girl, too." Scarlet asks Kurapika.
"No, my precious jewel. You don't get rewarded for behaving the way you are supposed to." answers Kurapika.
"That's not fair! Juliette gets to bring more than one doll in the store and she also gets to buy several more!" exclaims Scarlet with tears forming in her eyes.
"There is no need to get upset, Scarlet. You have plenty of toys at home." explains Kurapika.

Scarlet sits on the floor and starts to cry. Juliette continues to throw toys into her father's shopping cart.

"You are making me look bad, Leorio." says Kurapika.
"Ah, just let her throw something in the cart. I'll buy it." says Leorio.
"That's not the point!" shouts Kurapika.

A few more children walk through the doll aisle with their parents. They look at Scarlet. She is still sitting on the floor, crying.

"Scarlet, please get up." says Kurapika.
"No! There is no fairness in this situation!" exclaims Scarlet. Her eyes turn scarlet.
"Damn!" exclaims Kurapika while rushing over to pick Scarlet up off of the floor.

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