News of another Kurta

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Scarlet is sitting on the couch. She is anxiously waiting for Kurapika to come back in. She looks up as soon as Kurapika opens the door.

"Well? What did he say?" she asks.

Kurapika sits next to Scarlet on the couch.

"Scarlet, I need you to listen to what I have to say. You grew up watching me work as a Hunter. In fact, it is a career you have chosen for yourself. I have been in dangerous situations. I have even been close to death. It is a risk that comes with being a Hunter. Your mother disapproved of my career, however, she supported me. And that is what Kento needs you to do." explains Kurapika.

Scarlet takes a deep breath. She does support Kento. She understands what it means to be a Hunter. However, her situation is different now. She wants to tell Kurapika about the baby, but she is afraid of what he might do to Kento.

"You're right, dad." says Scarlet.

Scarlet kisses her father good night and goes into her room to call Juliette.

"No, I still haven't told Kento. He is leaving on a special mission soon." says Scarlet.
"What? More reason to tell him!" shouts Juliette on the phone.
"I know. I was just so angry." says Scarlet.
"Well, my dad is off tomorrow so we'll come over. You can tell your dad and Kento then." says Juliette before ending the call.

Scarlet places her phone on top of her dresser. She walks out to Kurapika's bedroom. She lightly knocks on his door. He doesn't answer so she just walks in. He has on his bedside lamp so the room is dimly lit. She can hear the shower running in his bathroom. She walks over to his dresser to look at pictures. She takes a picture of Pairo and stares at it. She smiles as she remembers the stories Kurapika had told her about him. She places her hand on her belly as she imagines having a boy. She puts the picture back. She stares at a picture of Kurapika as a boy standing next to his parents. They look so proud of their son. She continues to look at Kurapika's collection of memories. She notices a pretty bottle of perfume. She picks it up and sprays some on her wrist. She inhales the floral scent.

"This must be what mom smelled like." Scarlet says to herself.

Scarlet continues to smell her wrist as she looks at a picture of her mother.

"Would you be proud or disappointed in me?" she asks.

Scarlet places the bottle of perfume back. There is a letter next to it. She picks it up and starts to read it. It is the letter Kurapika found while going through Kohana's things after she passed away.

"They were so in love. She was excited to have me. I am excited to have my baby, too. Dad has to understand." she says.

Seconds later, Kurapika walks out of the bathroom. He is dressed in his pajamas.

"Oh, hello. Do you need help finding something?" asks Kurapika as he notices Scarlet looking through his pictures.
"No. I just felt like seeing mom." answers Scarlet while putting the letter back in its place.
"Yeah. She brings me comfort as well." says Kurapika while standing next to Scarlet. They both look at Kohana's picture. He gives Scarlet a hug and inhales her. "You smell like her."
"Oh, I sprayed some of mom's perfume on. I hope that was okay." says Scarlet.
"Of course." says Kurapika with a smile.

Scarlet climbs into her bed. She covers herself with her blanket and falls asleep while smelling her mother's perfume on her wrist.

The next day, Leorio knocks on Kurapika's door. Kurapika opens the door and lets his best friend in. Juliette is with him.

"Hello, Leorio. It is nice to see you." says Kurapika.
"Yeah, Juliette convinced me to pay you a visit since I had the day off." says Leorio.
"Oh, it's nice to hear that you needed convincing." says Kurapika with a smile.

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