A birthday surprise

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Kurapika and Kohana are back at Leorio's apartment, sitting outside on the balcony. It is a warm spring day.

"So how did everything go?" Leorio asks, excitedly.
"Very well, thank you. We were able to accomplish the goal." answers Kurapika.
"I'm just glad you were safe." says Kohana while she goes back inside to get something to drink.

When Kohana leaves, Leorio looks at Kurapika.

"So how did it really go?" Leorio asks.
"There were some difficult times. Moments when I thought we would be trapped in there." answers Kurapika.
"Damn. I am glad you made it out okay." says Leorio.
"Yes. Just please don't tell Kohana." says Kurapika.
"Of course not! She acted fine at work, but I could tell she was worried about you." explains Leorio.
"Thank you for looking after her." says Kurapika.
"Anytime. Hey, she got to meet Gon and Killua!" exclaims Leorio.
"That's great! I really miss them." says Kurapika.

Kohana comes back outside with a pitcher of lemonade. She is very happy to have Kurapika back. She gives him a kiss and sits down.

"So someone has a birthday coming up, huh?" Kohana asks.
"Hey, mine was last week!" exclaims Leorio.
"I know that, Leorio! We had a party for you at work." says Kohana.
"I know, I just want to feel some love too." says Leorio.
"Well, you know we love you. My Kurapika will be twenty-six in a few weeks!" says Kohana, excitedly.
"It's not a big deal," says Kurapika, smiling.
"Of course it is! The day you were born is a very big deal!" says Kohana.
"Really, it's just another day." says Kurapika.
"Don't be silly, Kurapika!" exclaims Kohana.
"Doesn't look like you are winning this one." Leorio says to Kurapika.
"It doesn't appear so," says Kurapika.
"So what are you two going to do today?" asks Leorio.
"Probably just the beach." answers Kurapika.
"The beach? I'll change right now!" Kohana says excitedly while she runs back inside.
"She has not stopped smiling!" says Leorio.
"I'm so glad to hear that." says Kurapika, looking out to the ocean. Kurapika has something on his mind.
"What's the matter?" asks Leorio.
"I...I think I'm in love with Kohana." says Kurapika.
"Wait! What?" exclaims Leorio.
"No. I don't think so. I know I'm in love with her!" exclaims Kurapika.
"Are you going to tell her?" asks Leorio.
"Yes. It needs to be special though." says Kurapika.
"What are you thinking?" asks Leorio.
"I'm thinking about taking her to The Lukso Province." answers Kurapika.
"Isn't that where you lived with your clan?" asks Leorio.
"Yes, the most beautiful forest in the world." answers Kurapika.
"I'm happy for you." says Leorio.
"Thank you." says Kurapika.
Kohana opens the door.

"I'm ready!" she says, excitedly.

Kurapika gets up from his seat.

"Let's go, my Heaven!" says Kurapika.
"Have fun!" says Leorio, waving them goodbye.

Kurapika and Kohana run down to the beach. They are both very excited. Kurapika watches Kohana as she runs into the waves. He is planning their trip to The Lukso Province in his head.

"Come in!" Kohana yells to Kurapika.

Kurapika runs to her. He picks her up and spins her around. She laughs uncontrollably.

The next day, Kohana goes to work. Kurapika takes advantage of his time alone to purchase tickets and to plan out details. There is also something special he wants to buy for Kohana.

He goes out to the square to Orida Island's finest jewelry store. Kurapika picks out a beautiful yellow gold engagement ring that is covered in small diamonds with a big oval-shaped ruby in the center.

"Can I help you, sir?" the jeweler asks Kurapika.
"Yes, please. I would like to look at that ring." Kurapika answers.

The jeweler takes out the ring and hands it to Kurapika. Kurapika examines it.

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