Be Brave For Me

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Kurapika has fallen asleep and Leorio is watching over him. Leorio thinks about the time when Kurapika and Gon helped him on Zevil Island.

"I'll head inside. Wait until I give the okay. Then you two can come in." Leorio says to Kurapika and Gon.

"Thirty minutes. If after thirty minutes we haven't heard from you...we're coming to find you." says Kurapika.

"No way. If you don't hear from both go right back to the start." demands Leorio.

"That's not an option. We have formed an alliance. And I will not abandon you now." says Kurapika.

"'re abandoning me now." Leorio says to himself.
"Did you say something?" asks Kurapika while waking up.
"No." answers Leorio while walking over to Kurapika.
"How long have I been sleeping?" asks Kurapika.
"About three hours." answers Leorio.
"Three hours? I promised Young Kurapika I would play with him!" exclaims Kurapika.
"He hasn't come back yet," says Leorio.
"Good. Oh...before I forget..." says Kurapika as he opens the drawer to his bedside table.

Kurapika pulls out an envelope and hands it to Leorio.

"What's this?" asks Leorio while taking the envelope from Kurapika.
"It's my funeral arrangement." answers Kurapika.
"And how long have you had this?" asks Leorio.
"Since I buried Kohana. I purchased two lots side by side to make sure we would be next to each other. I trust you will carry through everything here." answers Kurapika.

Leorio throws the envelope on the floor and runs out of the cottage.

Kurapika thinks about what Leorio must be going through right now. His heart breaks for his best friend.

"I should have told him sooner." Kurapika says to himself.

Minutes later, Leorio walks back inside.

"I'm sorry. This is just too much for me to handle all at once." says Leorio.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing. Please forgive me, Leorio. I didn't mean to hurt you. Do you remember when you asked me why I retired from hunting so early?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah. You said it was to help Scarlet out." answers Leorio.
"Right. was also because I didn't want to risk activating Emperor Time again." says Kurapika.
"Dammit! You didn't need to activate it! We could have destroyed that guy together!" yells Leorio.

Young Kurapika comes running into Kurapika's room. He is holding a ball.

"Grandfather! Are you ready to play now?" he asks.
"Of course! I've been waiting for you." answers Kurapika.

Kurapika attempts to get out of bed. He winces in pain as he struggles to stand up.

"Grandfather, are you okay?" asks Young Kurapika.
"Yes. Why don't you wait for me outside? I'll be right there." answers Kurapika.

Young Kurapika waits for his grandfather outside. Leorio helps Kurapika stand up.

"Do you really think you'll be able to play ball in your condition?" asks Leorio.
"Yes. I'll be fine." answers Kurapika as he starts to walk out of his bedroom with an unsteady gait.
"Don't overexert yourself!" exclaims Leorio while following Kurapika outside.

Leorio watches as Kurapika plays ball with Young Kurapika. The two of them are laughing and having a great time. Leorio takes the opportunity to make a few phone calls. He first calls Aimi to bring him some clean clothes. After talking to Aimi, he calls Juliette. It goes to voicemail so he leaves her a message.

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