First kiss

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Nine days quickly pass by. Kurapika and Kohana have been spending all of their free time together. Kohana is on her third shift for the week. She scheduled her three days in a row to get them over with. She wanted to spend as much time as possible with Kurapika before he had to start his new mission.

Kurapika is reading on the couch. He is anxiously waiting for seven o'clock so he can pick Kohana up from work. He was excited this was her last shift for the week. Now they had the next four days to spend together. He left the apartment early to stop by the supermarket before picking her up. He wanted to cook dinner for her.

At the hospital, Kurapika is waiting for Kohana to finish giving report. Leorio walks up to Kurapika.

"Hey! You two have become close, huh?" asks Leorio.
"Yes. I know it is too soon to tell, however, I feel like I have a future with her." answers Kurapika.
"Oh, really?" asks Leorio, happy for his friend.
"Yes." Kurapika smiles.

Kohana walks over to them.

"Kurapika!" Kohana exclaims. She greets him with a hug.
"Good evening, Kohana!" says Kurapika, hugging her back.
"Hello, Dr. Paradinight." Kohana says to Leorio.
"Hello! Kurapika, I'm in the middle of my twenty-four hour shift so you don't need to worry about me coming home tonight and interrupting you two." Leorio smiles at Kurapika.

Kurapika and Kohana blush at Leorio's comment.

"Thank you, Leorio. I think we are just going to use that pool key you gave me." says Kurapika.
"Whatever you say. Now get out of here, Kurta!" exclaims Leorio while waving to them.

Kurapika and Kohana arrive at the apartment.

"I'm really excited about the pool! I brought my swimsuit like you asked." says Kohana while taking a seat at the kitchen table.
"I am excited as well. Leorio says it is really nice. Especially at night." says Kurapika.
"What's for dinner?" asks Kohana, noticing Kurapika taking out the ingredients he had purchased.
"Oh, just some katsu pork and grilled zucchini." answers Kurapika.
"Sounds yummy! You know how to cook?" asks Kohana.
"I have been on my own since a young age. I had to learn." answers Kurapika while preparing the food.
"Kurapika?" says Kohana, wanting to get his attention.
"Yes?" replies Kurapika.
"I heard Dr. Paradinight call you Kurta. Why did he call you that?" asked Kohana.

Kurapika stops what he is doing to sit down next to her.

"I guess we can not avoid talking about our families forever. You see, I am the last surviving Kurta." Kurapika explains.
"I heard about what happened to them while I was in school. It was terrible. I didn't know there was a survivor." says Kohana.

Kurapika told Kohana everything about the Kurta Clan and why he became a Hunter.

"You are truly amazing. Thank you for sharing that with me. I also have a story to tell. Shortly after I heard about your clan, I was kidnapped from my home by a group of criminals similar to The Phantom Troupe. They killed my parents. Anyway, they kept young girls chained up in a cave and used us for terrible things. They even took away our ability to have children. My goal was to escape with all of the other girls there. It took me three years, but I was successful. After that, I finished school and became a nurse. I wanted to help sick children." explained Kohana, tears filling her eyes.

Kurapika's eyes turned scarlet. The thought of someone hurting Kohana made him angry.

"Kurapika? Your eyes. They are so beautiful." says Kohana while staring into Kurapika's eyes.
"What was the name of those criminals?" asks Kurapika, angrily.
"Oh, it doesn't matter. They are gone now. We made sure of that. I also worked hard at erasing them from my memory. The only thing I can remember is their scorpion tattoos." answers Kohana.
"Scorpion tattoos? I have never heard of such a group. Do you remember how many members they had?" asked Kurapika.
"No, but I told you they are all gone now. Stop worrying." says Kohana, trying to calm Kurapika down.
"And you are sure of this?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes. Now you know everything. I realize we just started seeing each other, but I really like you, Kurapika. I feel like you should know I can't have children in case that is something you want in the future. I understand if you want to end things with me." explains Kohana.
"Of course I don't want to end things with you. There is nothing you can say that would make me want to leave you." says Kurapika, holding her close to him.

They held each other in silence for a few minutes before Kurapika's eyes changed back to normal. He got up to finish cooking their dinner.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me. Now let's have a nice evening." says Kurapika.
"Agreed." says Kohana, smiling.

Kurapika and Kohana finish their dinner and walk out to the pool. Kohana is wearing a blue ruffled bikini. They were the only ones there. The pool has lights along the inside walls. There are also string lights hanging around the perimeter of the pool. Palm trees are planted at the corner next to a bunch of picnic tables. The wind is blowing the palms from side to side.

"The water is cold." says Kohana while feeling the water with her foot.
"We'll just have to jump in then." says Kurapika while walking towards her.
"Don't think about it!" exclaims Kohana, laughing.
"Don't think about what?" asks Kurapika while picking her up.

Kurapika walks to the deep end of the pool while holding Kohana and jumps in. She screams as she falls into the water. When she comes up for air, she laughs and splashes water at Kurapika. He goes underwater and swims to the steps at the shallow end of the pool. She swims after him. He sits on one of the steps and pulls her close to him. She sits on Kurapika's lap, facing him. Kurapika felt this moment was perfect for their first kiss. Without hesitation, he placed his hands behind her head and pulled her in to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around Kurapika to be as close to him as possible and kissed him back. Kohana wasn't cold anymore while kissing Kurapika. They kissed in the lighted swimming pool until they both needed air.

"Do you really need to leave for your mission in four days?" Kohana asks Kurapika.
"Unfortunately." Kurapika answers.
"I don't want you to go." says Kohana.

She pulls in closer to Kurapika to kiss him again.

"I don't want to go either." says Kurapika and continues to kiss Kohana.

It suddenly starts to rain. Kurapika and Kohana kiss in the rain until they hear thunder. She quickly jumps off of him and laughs while he picks her up to run back to the apartment.

They enter the apartment. Both of them are laughing.

"Wait here." says Kurapika while he runs to turn on the hot water and fills the bathtub.
"Hurry up, I'm freezing!" exclaims Kohana.

Kurapika runs back to her.

"Okay, come on." says Kurapika while handing her a towel.

Kohana follows Kurapika to the bathroom. She steps into the hot bath.

"Oh my goodness. This feels amazing!" says Kohana while laying down in the bathtub that is now filled with hot steamy water.

"Good. I'm going to use Leorio's shower. I'll meet you back in the living room and I'll make us some tea." says Kurapika while walking out of the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later, they are sitting on the couch.

"I'm glad I also brought a change of clothes. What time is it?" asks Kohana, yawning.
"It's a little after one." answers Kurapika.
"Wow, it's late." says Kohana.
"Yeah, would you like some tea?" asks Kurapika.

She doesn't answer. Kohana has fallen asleep. Kurapika picks her up and tucks her into his bed. He grabs an extra pillow to sleep on the couch. He quickly falls asleep.

Shortly after seven in the morning, Leorio walks into the apartment. He notices Kurapika sleeping so he quietly closes the door behind him. Kurapika hears it anyway and wakes up.

"Good morning, Leorio." says Kurapika, sleepily.
"What are you doing out here?" asks Leorio.
"Kohana is here. I gave her my bed for the night." answers Kurapika.
"Why aren't you in bed with her?" asks Leorio.
"Leorio, I have been courting her for only a week. That would be inappropriate." explains Kurapika.
"Whatever you say."
"Hey, Leorio?"
"Have you ever heard of a group of criminals who have scorpion tattoos?" asks Kurapika.
"Scorpion tattoos? Nope." answers Leorio.
"Oh." says Kurapika.
"You know you can check out the Hunter website," says Leorio.
"You're right, thank you." says Kurapika.
"Well, I'm going to bed. You two have a good day." says Leorio, stretching.
"You too." says Kurapika.

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