A new Hunter

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Three years later, Scarlet is on the couch, reading. It is morning and she is about to begin her studies for the day. Kurapika comes out of his room. He is on the phone.

"Good morning, dad!" exclaims Scarlet.

Kurapika ends his call.

"Good morning, my precious jewel." says Kurapika.
"Who were you on the phone with? You're never on the phone this early." asks Scarlet.
"Work. They want me to train a new Hunter." answers Kurapika.
"Oh, I see. Well, this new Hunter is very lucky to be paired with you." says Scarlet.
Kurapika smiles.

"Have you eaten?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes. I made you breakfast. It is on the counter." answers Scarlet.
"Thank you. That is very thoughtful of you." says Kurapika. "Are you about to begin your studies?"
"Yes. All of these advanced courses are starting to get a little hard." answers Scarlet.
"Well, I am sure you will be able to handle them just fine. Does Juliette like her new school?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes. She likes it a lot." answers Scarlet.
"I'm glad to hear that. It seems like it is a good fit for her. They have a great medical program." says Kurapika.

Later that afternoon, Scarlet is studying hard in her room. She hears her front door opening. She walks out to see who it is. It is Kurapika and his new orientee.

"Hello, Scarlet. I didn't mean to interrupt you. We were close to home so I figured I would stop in for lunch." explains Kurapika.
"That's fine. I need a break anyway. How is work?" asks Scarlet.
"It's going very well, thank you." answers Kurapika.

Scarlet smiles at Kurapika. She notices the young man standing next to him. He is smiling at Scarlet. Scarlet smiles back at him. Kurapika notices.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me introduce you to my new orientee. This is Kento. He will be training with me for a few weeks." says Kurapika.

Kento shakes Scarlet's hand. Kurapika walks into the kitchen. Scarlet stares at Kento.

"Kento? From the Hunter exam?" asks Scarlet.
"Yes. I knew I recognized you. How have you been?" asks Kento.
"I've been great. I didn't know you lived on this island." answers Scarlet.
"I didn't until just now. The agency said I have some real potential so they want me to train with their best Hunter. I quickly accepted the offer and moved here." explains Kento.
"Well, my dad is definitely the best Hunter," says Scarlet, proudly. "Oh, how is your mother?"
"She passed. I couldn't find a job in time. I didn't know about the real Hunter exam. It took me a while to learn Nen." answers Kento.

Scarlet's eyes begin to fill with tears.

"I'm so sorry to hear that!" exclaims Scarlet as she gives Kento a hug.

Kurapika looks out from the kitchen. He sees Scarlet and Kento hugging so he quickly walks back over to where they are standing.
"What is going on here?" asks Kurapika, angrily.
"We took the Hunter exam together, dad! Isn't that crazy?" answers Scarlet.
"Yes. Your daughter is absolutely amazing, Mr. Kurta!" exclaims Kento.

Kurapika scowls at Kento.

"Yes. I know that." says Kurapika. He turns to Scarlet. "Don't you have studies? You should get back to them."

Scarlet starts to walk back to her room. She looks back at Kento.

"Well, it was really great to see you. Good luck on your training!" Scarlet says with a smile.
"Yes, it was great to see you as well!" says Kento, waving at Scarlet.

Kurapika notices Kento's big smile.

"We have a lot of work to do. Eat quickly." says Kurapika.
"Yes, sir." replies Kento.

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