Blessed with a good friend

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Leorio drives Kurapika to his apartment in his black luxury car. The drive from the hospital is scenic. The ocean can be seen from the road and there are palm trees everywhere.

"Are you sure you don't mind me staying in your apartment?" asks Kurapika.
"Of course. I have a two bedroom. I was using the spare room as an office, but I can just move that into my room for now." explains Leorio.
"You really don't need to inconvenience yourself for me." says Kurapika.
"Oh, stop it will ya? It's no trouble at all." says Leorio.

Leorio parks his car in his assigned spot. Kurapika notices a furniture truck next to them.

"It looks like you'll be getting new neighbors." says Kurapika.
"Oh, yeah. Everyone wants to live here. These are the most luxurious apartments on the island!" says Leorio, proudly.

The apartment building is five stories high. Leorio's apartment is located on the fifth floor. They take an elevator up. As they approach his apartment, Kurapika notices that the furniture delivery people are coming out of Leorio's apartment.

"I thought you had the corner apartment. It appears someone is moving into that one." says Kurapika.
"Nope, that's me." Leorio says, smiling.

Kurapika follows him in, confused.

"Here it is! Let me show you around!" says Leorio, excitedly.
"This is really nice," says Kurapika.

One of the furniture delivery men stops Leorio.

"Is that how you want everything?" asks the delivery man.

They walk into Leorio's spare bedroom.

"Looks perfect! Thanks guys!" answers Leorio.

The furniture delivery people leave. Leorio and Kurapika stand in the spare bedroom. Leorio had a full bedroom suite delivered for Kurapika.

"Well, how do you like it?" asks Leorio.
"Wait. This is for me?" Kurapika asks.
"Yes! King-sized bed, dresser, nightstand, and a desk all for you!" answers Leorio.
"You really didn't need to do this. I would have been fine on the couch." says Kurapika.
"Don't be ridiculous. You are about to take on a big mission. You'll need good rest. A couch will just hurt your back." explains Leorio.
"Thank you, Leorio. What have I done to deserve such a great friend? I will pay you back. And I will also pay rent." says Kurapika.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't mention it." says Leorio.

Leorio takes Kurapika on a tour of the apartment.

"You'll even have your own bathroom. I really only use the one in my room." explains Leorio.
"Thank you." says Kurapika with a smile.

Later that evening, Leorio and Kurapika sit at the kitchen table. They had ordered take out.

"So when do you actually start this mission?" asks Leorio with a mouthful of pad thai.
"I have a meeting with my employer tomorrow. I'll get the details then." answers Kurapika.
"Oh, I see." says Leorio.
"Hey, Leorio?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah?" responds Leorio, looking at Kurapika.
"Tell me about Kohana." says Kurapika, smiling.
"Kohana, huh? She loves to work. Always picking up extra shifts. Like I said earlier, she never likes to ask for help. You can tell she loves all of those children. I also never see her gossip with the other nurses either." Leorio explains.

Kurapika smiles.

"Oh, someone has a crush!" says Leorio, smiling and pointing at Kurapika.

Kurapika blushes.

"Well, I can tell she likes you too. You should definitely ask her out on a proper date." says Leorio.
"I think I will. I should have a little time before I start my mission." says Kurapika.

The next morning, Kurapika and Leorio have coffee in the living room.

"How did you sleep?" asks Leorio.
"Great. The bed is very comfortable, thank you." answers Kurapika.
"Glad to hear it. Need a ride somewhere?" asks Leorio.
"Actually, do you know where this is?" asks Kurapika while handing Leorio a piece of paper.
"Sure do. I can drop you off on my way to the hospital." answers Leorio.
"I appreciate it." says Kurapika.

They walk outside to Leorio's car. It is still early in the morning and it is already hot and humid. Kurapika runs his fingers through his hair, noticing how big it feels.

"Is it always this humid out?" asks Kurapika.
"Yep. Just put some extra gel in your hair." answers Leorio.
"I don't ever put anything in my hair." says Kurapika.
"Oh, well. Girls like big hair anyway." says Leorio.

Leorio drops Kurapika off to the site where he is to meet his new employer. It is located in an old plaza.

"Place looks a little sketchy. Sure you'll be fine?" asks Leorio.
"Yes. I'm not new at this, Leorio." says Kurapika, smiling while he gets out of the car.
"See you later!" says Leorio while driving off.

Kurapika walks into the place where he'll be meeting his new employer. The room is empty with only one desk inside. There are two chairs at the desk. Kurapika checks the time and notices he is a few minutes early. He stands and waits for someone to arrive. Suddenly, a man comes out of nowhere and walks towards the desk. He is tall and muscular. His black hair is tied up in a ponytail and the sides of his head are shaved.

"Kurapika, is it?" asks the man.
"Yes." answers Kurapika.
"Morning, my name is Touma. I'm here representing Habiki, the man who originally hired you. He wishes not to be present. He has his reasons as I will explain."

Kurapika knows this is how these missions work. He has yet to meet his actual employer during the initial interview.

"You see, Habiki has inherited a treasure map from his ancestors. There is only one copy of this map and there are many people who are in search of it. He is afraid of getting killed if someone finds out he has the map. He hired me to be in charge of finding the treasure. We already have a crew in place. We hired you to be in charge of guarding the dig. Here is the amount Habiki will pay you." Habiki explains while writing numbers on a piece of paper and handing it to Kurapika.

Kurapika takes the paper and his eyes widen. This was his highest paying mission.

"Think you can handle it?" asks Touma.
"Of course." answers Kurapika.
"Great. We start on the first of August. That's in two weeks. Here is the paperwork I'll need you to sign. Basically it gives me permission to kill you should you tell anyone about this mission." Touma explains.
"Sure. Not that I would say anything, but killing me won't be easy." responds Kurapika while reading the paperwork.
"Just the kind of man we need for this mission." says Touma, smiling.

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