The End of Emperor Time

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Three years later

Young Kurapika is now six years old. He spends most of the time with Kurapika since Scarlet has decided to team up with Kento and hunt with him. She doesn't want to give up on her dream.

It was Kurapika's idea for Scarlet to start working.

"So how do you plan on using your Hunter's license?" Kurapika asks Scarlet.
"I don't know. Haven't thought about it. It's funny...all I ever wanted was to be a Hunter. Now that I'm a mother, my dreams don't matter." answers Scarlet.
"That's not true. Do you want to be a Hunter?" asks Kurapika.
"Well...yeah." answers Scarlet.
"Then what is holding you back?" asks Kurapika.
"My son." answers Scarlet.
"I'll take care of him. Go out there and make your dreams come true." says Kurapika.

Scarlet is deep in thought. She starts smiling.

"You're right! Thank you so much!" exclaims Scarlet while she hugs Kurapika. "I love you, daddy."

Kurapika is excited about his daughter working as a Hunter. However, he can't help but also feel nervous about it. She is new at hunting. What gives Kurapika comfort is knowing she is out there with Kento.

Kurapika is getting his grandson ready to spend the day at Gon and Killua's skatepark.

"Let's get going, My Fearless Warrior. Your mama and papa will be meeting us there." says Kurapika.
"Yes, grandfather." says Young Kurapika while walking to the front door.

Kurapika pats his grandson on the head as they walk outside.

"I love you." says Kurapika.
"I love you, too, grandfather." says Young Kurapika.

As soon as Kurapika parks his car, Little Gon and Killua run up to them. Little Gon is now twelve and Little Killua is ten. They both look a lot like their fathers.

"Uncle Kurapika! We haven't seen you in forever!" exclaims Little Gon.
"Yes. It has been a while. You both are getting so big." says Kurapika.
"Look at that little guy!" exclaims Little Gon while pointing at Young Kurapika.
"Can he skateboard?" asks Little Killua.
"You can ask him. He's not a baby." answers Kurapika.

Little Killua kneels in front of Young Kurapika.

"Hey, little guy. Can you skateboard?" asks Little Killua.
"Killua, I'm not that little. And yes...I can skateboard." answers Young Kurapika.
"Awesome! And you can call me K.Z." says Little Killua.

Little Gon kneels down next to K.Z. He smiles at Young Kurapika.

"And you can call me Big G. That's what everyone calls me." says Little Gon.

K.Z. gives Little Gon a disturbed look.

"Nobody calls you that." K.Z. says to Little Gon.
"Yeah...but it would be cool if they did." says Little Gon.
"No, Gon. It would just be weird." says K.Z.

The four of them walk over to meet the rest of their friends. Kurapika smiles as he watches his friends from afar. Gon and Killua still act like they are kids. Killua is showing off a skateboard trick to Gon and Gon is attempting to do it. They haven't aged much. Killua is tall, about five foot eleven inches and Gon is only a couple of inches shorter. Gon looks a lot like Ging.

Kurapika turns his head to look at Leorio. He spends a lot of time with him so he never noticed Leorio aging at all. At fifty-two years old, Leorio only has a little bit of gray hair.

Kurapika is also aging well. He looks just like he did from when he came back from The Dark Continent. His hair is still thick and blonde. He doesn't wear a suit anymore since he has retired from hunting. Instead, he wears his royal blue and gold tabard.

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