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Kurapika sees a white light. It is shining so bright that he shields his eyes with his hand. He walks toward the light. It flashes before slowly fading away. He notices he is walking on a lovely rock pathway. He continues to walk down the path to see where it leads. He looks to the left and then to the right. Beautiful trees with branches growing both out and up are on either side of the pathway. They are the most beautiful shade of green Kurapika has ever seen.

Kurapika looks up to the blue cloudless sky.

This place is absolutely breathtaking. Where am I?

He takes in a breath of fresh air and continues his walk. He stops when he hears the faint sound of a harp. He runs until he can hear the harp better. He recognizes the song. He smiles as he listens to the beautiful music.

Kurapika notices the shadow of a small boy holding a harp in front of him. Kurapika runs to see who it is.

"Kurapika?" asks the shadow.

Is that...?

"It is you! Kurapika!" shouts the boy as he runs to Kurapika. He is no longer a shadow.

"Pairo? Is that you?" asks Kurapika.

Pairo runs and jumps on Kurapika. Kurapika squeezes his childhood best friend.

"Pairo! You can run...that's incredible!" exclaims Kurapika with a big smile on his face.
"Yes, and I can see clearly as well!" exclaims Pairo as he hugs Kurapika.

Pairo frees himself from Kurapika's grip.

"Follow me, Kurapika." says Pairo.
"Sure," says Kurapika.

Kurapika and Pairo continue to walk down the path. The scenery that surrounds them appears more beautiful with every step they take. Kurapika looks forward. He sees two more shadowy figures. One is of a tall man. The other is of a short woman.

"They have been waiting for you." says Pairo.

Kurapika's eyes widened as he watched the two figures appear. He is trembling in excitement. The small woman holds her arms out.

"Mom!" shouts Kurapika as he runs toward his mother.
"My sweet boy." says Kurapika's mother as she hugs Kurapika. "You're so tall."
"Mom, I can't believe it's really you!" exclaims Kurapika he inhales his mother's sweet scent.

Kurapika's mother looks up at him.

"My goodness! You are so handsome!" exclaims Kurapika's mother.

Kurapika smiles.

The tall man grabs Kurapika and squeezes him.

"My son! It's so good to see you!" exclaims Kurapika's father.

Kurapika hugs his father, who is slightly taller than him.

"Dad! I have missed you both so much." says Kurapika.

Kurapika's father releases him. He looks at Kurapika proudly.

Kurapika is overfilled with joy. He smiles as he looks at his surroundings. The bright green trees have the same swirl patterns as the ones in The Lukso Province. However, everything is more beautiful here. The lush grasses and assortment of wildflowers have Kurapika in awe.

"This's magnificent. It reminds me of The Lukso Province. can't be. I don't remember all of these details. Where am I?" asks Kurapika.

Kurapika's mother smiles at him.

"My precious are in Heaven." answers Kurapika's mother.
"H...Heaven?" asks Kurapika with widened eyes.

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