Kurapika's proposal

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"My Heaven, please hurry or we will miss our flight!" exclaims Kurapika through the bathroom door.
"One more minute, my darling Kurapika." says Kohana.

It is the morning of their trip to The Lukso Province. Kurapika has been waiting all month for this journey. This trip could possibly change his future.

"Okay, ready!" says Kohana while walking to the front door.
"You two be safe!" says Leorio from the kitchen.
"Thank you, Leorio." says Kurapika.
"We'll miss you!" says Kohana.

Kurapika holds the door open for Kohana and helps her with her luggage. He looks back at Leorio and smiles. Leorio gives him a thumbs up.

On the walk to the bus stop, they pass a big cherry blossom tree.

"Cherry blossom trees are my absolute favorite! Look, it is still in bloom!" exclaims Kohana.
"I see. It is indeed very beautiful." says Kurapika, smiling.

At the airport, Kohana is nervous about getting on the plane.

"I can't remember the last time I was on a plane!" says Kohana.
"My Heaven, I will be right next to you. You never need to be afraid when I am with you." says Kurapika, trying to comfort Kohana.
"Yes, you're right." Kohana says, smiling.

They board the plane. Kohana keeps her eyes shut and squeezes Kurapika's hand while they take off. After the plane has taken off, she is able to calm down and enjoy the view from the window.

Kohana is excited when they finally land. Kurapika carries all of their luggage.

"Now, The Lukso Province isn't easy to find. It will still take us a few hours to get there." explains Kurapika while he waits in the car rental line.
"That's fine. It will be fun!" exclaims Kohana.

Kurapika drives for four hours before making it to his destination. Before they arrive, he blindfolds Kohana. He helps her out of the car. He carefully walks her out a little further into the forest.

"Can I see yet?" asks Kohana, laughing.
"Not quite yet. Almost there." says Kurapika, smiling.

Kurapika helps Kohana walk over to a big beautiful tree that is covered in a unique swirl pattern.

"Okay, here we are!" says Kurapika while he takes the blindfold off of Kohana.
Kohana opens her eyes and gasps at the beautiful scene in front of her.

"It's so beautiful!" says Kohana.

Kohana is amazed at the beauty that surrounds her. She slowly spins around to take it all in. The grass is bright green. Every tree has its own unique design. Wildflowers are spread out all around her. There is also a river nearby with a small waterfall.

"I did a lot of reading in this spot," says Kurapika.
"Oh, Kurapika. This place is so magical. It feels like I just stepped into a storybook." says Kohana, smiling.
"I'm glad you like it." says Kurapika, smiling.

Kurapika and Kohana walk around the forest where Kurapika was born. He told her stories about the adventures he had with his best friend, Pairo.

Before it gets dark, Kurapika walks back to the car for the camping supplies he had purchased for this trip. He sets up a big tent for them to share. He makes a fire and heats up some of the food he had brought with him.

When the fire is out, they both settle into the tent. Kurapika made it cozy there for them. He brought plenty of pillows and blankets. He remembers the cool nights of the forest and didn't want Kohana to get cold. He also has a small lantern to use for light.

Kurapika and Kohana are comfortably situated in the bed Kurapika made inside the tent. The sound of the waterfall can be heard in the tent. They are both sleepy from the journey they had that day. Kohana looks over to Kurapika. This is the first time they are sleeping next to each other. Kurapika has his eyes closed. Kohana sits up and kisses him awake. He kisses her back and pulls her closer to him. She gets on top of Kurapika. She attempts to take his shirt off, however, Kurapika stops her.

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