Killua's mess up

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Gon frantically runs around the house. He is in search of the items Aimi had requested to help Gen give birth. Kurapika stops Gon.

"Let me handle finding the items. You go and stay by Gen's side." says Kurapika with his hand on Gon's shoulder.
"Thanks a lot, Kurapika!" exclaims Gon.

Gen is laying on her futon. She is in excruciating pain. Gon runs in to sit next to her.

"I can't do this! I need meds!" screams Gen.
"The roads are still flooded. We can't go to the hospital. I'm sorry." says Aimi.
"Luckily, Aimi is a midwife and I am a pediatric surgeon. You are in good hands!" exclaims Leorio.
"What are you doing here? Get out of my room!" Gen yells at Leorio.

Leorio frantically runs out of the room. He finds Kurapika.

"Did you find everything?" asks Leorio.
"I think so. Towels, washcloths, rubbing alcohol, receiving blankets, baby clothes, bowls, and a shower curtain. Am I missing anything?" asks Kurapika while showing Leorio all of the items.
"I think that's everything. Go ahead and take all of that to Aimi. She is in Gon's room." says Leorio.
"Right." says Kurapika while walking upstairs with all of the items.

Kurapika enters the room. He hands the items to Aimi. He notices Gen on the futon. She is screaming. Sweat drops form on Kurapika's forehead. Gen notices Kurapika.

"Hey, you! Do you have a uterus?" Gen yells at Kurapika.
"" answers Kurapika, nervously.
"Then get the hell out of here!" shouts Gen.

Gon is shocked by Gen's behavior since she is normally shy and quiet.

Kurapika runs out of the room. Aimi peeks her head out of the door to get Kurapika's attention.

"Hey, try to find as much water as possible!" shouts Aimi.
"Sure!" Kurapika shouts back.

Mito is already in her pantry room looking for the emergency water supply. Kurapika walks in. He notices Mito is crying.

"Is everything okay?" asks Kurapika.
"Oh, I didn't see you there. Yes. I'm just happy. And angry. Gon's son is about to be born.Yet, Ging hasn't even checked in. It's been months since Gon has heard from him. I guess I shouldn't be surprised." answers Mito.

Mito covers her face with her hand and cries. Kurapika doesn't know how to respond.

"Uh...can I help you with that?" asks Kurapika when he sees the five gallon jug of water next to Mito.
"Sure, thank you." answers Mito.

Kurapika grabs the jug of water. He is about to leave the pantry room when he decides to say something to Mito.

"Gon is happy. That's all that matters, right?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes. You're right. My grandson is about to be born!" says Mito with a big smile on her face.

Kurapika walks the water jug upstairs to Gon's room. He knocks on the door.

"Aimi? I left the water outside the door." says Kurapika.
"Thank you!" shouts Aimi.

Aimi opens the door to get the water jug. She looks through Leorio's briefcase for sterile gloves. She finds a pair and puts one on to check Gen's cervix. Gen screams as Aimi examines her.
Gon nervously looks at what Aimi is doing.

"Only two centimeters." says Aimi.
"What?" asks Gen.
"Try to relax. Focus on your breathing." instructs Aimi.

Gen turns her head to look at Gon.

"I hate you. Why did you do this to me?" asks Gen.

Gon has a shocked expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" asks Gon, confused.

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