Celebrating with Leorio

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"Look at this, Juliette!" exclaims Scarlet.
"How are you doing that?" asks Juliette.
"I don't know!" answers Scarlet.

The girls, now seven years old, are in the kitchen. Scarlet was about to take a drink from her glass of water and discovered the water was overflowing from her glass.

"I went to pick up the glass and this just started happening!" says Scarlet.
"Let me try!" exclaims Juliette while pouring herself a glass of water.

Juliette attempted to make the volume of water increase, however, nothing was happening.

"Ah, man!" says Juliette, disappointed.

Juliette picks up her glass of water and starts to drink it. She spits the water out.

"Something is wrong with your water, Scarlet! Taste this!" exclaims Juliette.
"You're right. It tastes sweet." says Scarlet while tasting Juliette's water.
"How does yours taste?" asks Juliette.
"Mine is fine." answers Scarlet while drinking her water.

Kurapika walks out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Why is the floor wet?" asks Kurapika.
"Daddy, look!" exclaims Scarlet while placing her hands around her glass of water. The volume of water increases.

Kurapika's eyes widened.

"How are you doing that?" asks Kurapika in shock.
"I don't know." answers Scarlet.
"Mine wouldn't do that. My water just tastes weird." says Juliette.
"What do you mean it tastes weird?" asks Kurapika.
"I tried to do what Scarlet did and it just made my water taste sweet." explains Juliette.
"Impossible. We have not started your Nen training yet. How are you using Hatsu?" asks Kurapika.
"What, daddy?" asks Scarlet.
"Umm...nothing. Clean this mess up!" says Kurapika while walking back into his room.
"Your dad is so weird." says Juliette.
"He is not!" exclaims Scarlet.
"Hey, want to check out the new doll set my dad just got me?" asks Juliette.
"Yes! Let me clean this up first." answers Scarlet while grabbing some paper towels to clean the floor.

Kurapika is sitting on his bed while holding his phone. He knows Leorio can't be reached since he is finishing up his pediatric surgery training. Kurapika is deep in thought. He doesn't understand how it is possible that both of the girls can use Hatsu. His daughter is an enhancer and Juliette is a transmuter.

"I suppose I should not prolong the inevitable." Kurapika says to himself.

Kurapika calls Killua.

"Hello, Killua? It's Kurapika." says Kurapika.
"I know." says Killua.
"I remember you asked me to teach Mina Nen. Anyway, I am about to start lessons if you are still interested." says Kurapika.
"That was two years ago," says Killua.
"Are you still interested or not?" asks Kurapika.
"Yeah. When are you starting?" asks Killua.
"Tomorrow." answers Kurapika.
"Sounds good." says Killua.

Kurapika hangs up and calls Gon. Gon has been living on Whale Island since he got married.

"Hey, Kurapika! How are you?" asks Gon.
"I'm well, thank you. How are you? Still enjoying married life?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes, love it! What's up?" asks Gon.
"I just wanted to tell you something I discovered today." answers Kurapika.

Kurapika tells Gon about how he walked in on the girls using Hatsu.

"What? No way!" exclaims Gon.
"Yes. I figured now is a good time to teach them Nen." says Kurapika.
"Sounds like a good idea. Let me know how it goes!" says Gon.
"I will. Please send my regards to Gen." says Kurapika.
"For sure!" exclaims Gon.

Kurapika walks back out to where the girls are playing.

"Okay, listen up. Tomorrow we will be starting a new kind of training." Kurapika says to the girls.
"What about school?" asks Scarlet.
"It will be part of school." answers Kurapika.

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