First date with Kurapika

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Kurapika takes a taxi to the hospital after his meeting. Leorio notices him.

"Hey! Kurapika! How did it go?" Leorio asks.
"Great. I'll be starting in two weeks." answers Kurapika.

Leorio knows never to ask Kurapika for details about his missions.

"Well, looks like I'm working late tonight. You can take my car if you don't mind picking me back up later." explains Leorio.
"Sure, that will be fine. Thank you. I actually stopped by to see Kohana. Is she here?" asks Kurapika.
"She's always here." answers Leorio.
"Is she busy? I surely wouldn't want to bother her again." says Kurapika.
"I think she is caught up. Want me to check?" asks Leorio.
"Sure, that would be great." answers Kurapika.

Leorio leaves to find Kohana. Two minutes later, Kohana appears.

"Hello, Kurapika." Kohana greets Kurapika with a smile. She is holding Mio's hand.
"Hello!" Kurapika exclaims with a big smile on his face.
"Mio wanted to see you again." says Kohana.
"Ku-ra-pi-ki! Guess what? I will go home very soon!" Mio says to Kurapika, excitedly.
"That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you!" Kurapika says to Mio.
"Yeah, isn't that great?" asks Kohana.
"Yes. Kohana, there is something I would like to ask you." says Kurapika.
"Yes?" asks Kohana.
"Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" asks Kurapika.

Kohana is silent for a few seconds and then smiles.

"I would love that, Kurapika. I'm usually out of here by eight." answers Kohana.
"Oh, sounds great. I'll be here. I'm looking forward to it." says Kurapika, smiling.
"Yes, me too. I better get this little one back to her room. I'll see you tonight!" says Kohana while walking away with Mio.

Leorio overhears their conversation.

"Hey, going out tonight?" Leorio asks Kurapika.
"Yes. Any recommendations?" Kurapika asks.
"Yeah, there is a great yakiniku place you gotta try." answers Leorio.
"That sounds good. Please text me the name of the place. I'll be on my way back to the apartment now." says Kurapika while walking away.
"Hey, don't forget to pick me up later!" Leorio yells.
"Of course not." Kurapika replies."

Kurapika has a nice drive back to the apartment. He is happy about his dinner with Kohana. He tried to dance to the music on the radio, however, it was a poor attempt. He passes by a bookstore on the way home and decides to stop in. Kurapika purchased a few of his favorite fantasy books. He needed something to do to pass time.

Kurapika arrives home and is already reading one of his books while walking into the apartment. He hangs up his jacket, makes a cup of green tea and settles down on the couch. Kurapika was engrossed in his book and didn't realize it was almost time for his date with Kohana.

"Damn! I need to get ready!" Kurapika said to himself while rushing to get ready.
Kurapika manages to leave on time. He runs up to the pediatric unit to pick up Kohana. He noticed the nurses were still in report. He stood against the wall and waited. Kohana noticed him right away and rushed through the report. She quickly clocked out and gathered her things.

"Hey, Kurapika!" She greeted him with a big smile on her face.
"Hello. I hope you are hungry. Leorio recommended a great yakiniku place." says Kurapika.
"Yes, very." she responds.

They walk down to the car. Kurapika opens the car door for Kohana. He offers her his hand so she would be able to step in easily. Kurapika closes the door and walks around the car to get into the driver's seat. Kohana watches him.

"I'm excited about tonight. You look great. I feel bad that I am in my work scrubs." Kohana says while taking her hair out of her bun. She runs her fingers through her hair to comb it out. Kurapika stares at her while she plays with her hair.
"You look absolutely stunning." Kurapika tells her.
"What?" Kohana asks, surprised at Kurapika's statement.
"I mean you look nice." Kurapika looks out in front of him, embarrassed by his previous reaction.
"Thank you." says Kohana, smiling.

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