The Kurta name will live on

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Scarlet wanted to have her wedding before she started to show. With the help of Juliette, they were able to arrange for an adorable little wedding inside of an old church.

It is the end of spring so most of the cherry blossoms have already fallen from the trees. The outside of the church still looked beautiful.

Juliette is helping Scarlet get ready for her wedding.

"Are you excited?" asks Juliette while brushing Scarlet's hair.
"Yes. I'm a little nervous as well." answers Scarlet.
"Yeah, but you are marrying an amazing guy. Kento is already a top Hunter on the island and he worships you. I hope I will be that lucky one day." says Juliette.
"Yes, he is amazing. I just hope my dad really approves." says Scarlet.
"Don't worry about that. He does approve of Kento." says Juliette.
"How do you know?" asks Scarlet.
"I overheard him telling my dad the last time he was over." answers Juliette.
"Really?" asks Scarlet, excitedly.
"Yes. He said he is confident Kento will take care of you." answers Juliette.

Scarlet smiles.

"That makes me very happy." says Scarlet.
"Okay, are you ready to go out there?" asks Juliette as she places the last pin in Scarlet's hair.
"Yes!" answers Scarlet, excitedly.

Scarlet is dressed up in a beautiful pink and gold traditional tabard worn by the Kurta. Juliette styled Scarlet's hair in a half updo.

Kurapika is waiting to walk Scarlet down the aisle. He is wearing his royal blue and gold tabard. He smiles and gives Scarlet a kiss as he holds her hand. The wedding music starts to play. Scarlet smiles at Kurapika. They begin to walk slowly down the aisle. Scarlet looks up at Kento, who is waiting for her at the altar. He is also wearing a traditional Kurta style tabard. His is a deep burgundy color with gold trim. He has a big smile on his face.

When they reach the altar, Kurapika takes Scarlet's hand and places it in Kento's hand. Kurapika looks down with a sad expression on his face. He walks away to take his seat. He thinks about the time he brought Scarlet home from the hospital and how afraid he was. He smiles as he thinks about how his friends all pitched in to help. Kurapika looks up and watches as Scarlet and Kento exchange vows. He notices how happy they look.

My Heaven, I wish you were sitting here with me. Our daughter has found someone special to spend the rest of her life with. Although I must admit, I am a little sad that the Kurta name will end with me.

Kurapika's thoughts are interrupted when the wedding officiant begins to speak.

"And now by the power vested in me, it is my honor to declare you married. I am pleased to present Mr. and Mrs. Kurta!" exclaims the wedding officiant.

Kurapika's eyes widened as he heard the officiant say, "Mr. and Mrs. Kurta." He had no idea Scarlet was keeping her name. He smiles as he feels his heart fill with joy.

The Kurta name will live on.

All of the wedding guests stand up to clap. Scarlet and Kento step down from the altar. Scarlet runs to Kurapika and gives him a big hug. Kurapika squeezes her.
"Thank you, my precious jewel." says Kurapika.
"You're welcome, daddy." says Scarlet with a big smile on her face.

Kento grabs Scarlet's hand and they run off. All of Kurapika's friends come down to congratulate him.

"Thank you, everyone." says Kurapika with a smile.

After the reception, Kurapika walks up to his daughter.

"You don't leave for your honeymoon until tomorrow morning, correct?" asks Kurapika.
"Yes." answers Scarlet.
"Well, your wedding present is ready. I'd like to give it to you." says Kurapika.
"I thought my honeymoon was your wedding present." says Scarlet, confused.

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