Bringing Baby Kurta home

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Kurapika has been awake all night. He is staying in the nursery until they discharge the baby from the hospital. The hospital staff gave Kurapika and Scarlet a private room to stay in. He gets up to wash his face. He looks in the mirror and notices his eyes are still scarlet. He puts in his black contacts after washing up.

All of the nursery nurses know about what happened to Kurapika's wife. They are all very attentive to him. One of the nurses walks in to offer Kurapika a breakfast tray.

"No, thank you." answers Kurapika.
"Oh. Are you sure? You really should eat something." says the nurse. She feels sorry for him.
"I'm sure, thank you." says Kurapika as he walks over to check on Scarlet.
"I'll bring you some fresh ice water." says the nurse.

Kurapika attempts to change Scarlet's diaper for the first time and is having trouble. The nurse notices.

"Would you like some help?" asks the nurse.
"No, thank you. I can figure it out." answers Kurapika. He doesn't want to admit that he actually needs help.

The nurse can tell Kurapika is struggling with the diaper so she walks over to assist him even after he refuses her help.

She teaches Kurapika how to change Scarlet's diaper. She also teaches him how to swaddle. Kurapika is very appreciative of her taking the time to teach him baby basics. Scarlet starts to cry. Kurapika picks her up.

"Oh, my precious jewel. What is the matter?" Kurapika asks Scarlet while holding her close to his chest.
"She is probably hungry," says the nurse.
"Right. Umm. My wife was going to take care of that. She was excited about breastfeeding our baby. I'm glad she was able to experience a little of that." explains Kurapika.
"I understand. We have been feeding Scarlet with formula. I can show you if you'd like." says the nurse.
"I would appreciate that a lot." says Kurapika. He realizes there is a lot to learn about newborn care.

The nurse teaches Kurapika about formula feeding and burping Scarlet.

"Thank you. I wish there was something I could do to show you my appreciation." says Kurapika.
"Just promise me you will eat your lunch today." says the nurse as she leaves Kurapika alone to feed Scarlet.

Kurapika watches Scarlet as she eats. Scarlet is a beautiful baby. She has a lot of golden hair and Kurapika's eyes.

A pediatrician walks in to examine Scarlet. She explains to Kurapika that Scarlet can go home later this afternoon if all of her tests come back normal.

Leorio calls Kurapika to check on him.
"Hello, Leorio. Thank you for checking on us. We are doing well. Scarlet will most likely be discharged today." says Kurapika.
"That's great. I'm getting off at seven tonight. I would like to stop by your house to make sure you get settled in with Scarlet okay." says Leorio.
"I appreciate your offer, but I am sure we can manage on our own." says Kurapika.
"Well, let me know if you change your mind. Hey, Kurapika? The girls up here would like to meet Scarlet. If you feel up to it, maybe you can stop by my department on your way out of the hospital. Of course I understand if that would make you uncomfortable." says Leorio.
"Sure, I can do that. Scarlet's beauty should be shown to the world." says Kurapika.

Kurapika hangs up and starts to plan out Kohana's funeral. She deserves something special and he didn't want to waste any time. He calls a few funeral homes. He breaks down and starts to cry after hanging up.

"Damn! Why? Why must I be planning out a funeral? I should be celebrating the birth of my daughter with my beautiful wife right now." says Kurapika to himself.

He buries his face into a pillow.

Someone from the birth registry comes in to do Scarlet's birth certificate.

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