Trouble at work

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Kurapika is just getting home from work. Scarlet and Juliette are playing while Alluka puts away their homeschool supplies for the day.

"Hi, Kurapika! The girls had a great first day of school!" exclaims Alluka.
"I'm glad. Thank you. You know, they are old enough to help you put things away." says Kurapika.
"Oh, I am almost done here. They worked hard today." says Alluka.

"Daddy! You're home!" exclaims Scarlet when she notices Kurapika.
"Come here, my precious jewel!" says Kurapika while kneeling down to catch Scarlet.

Scarlet runs to Kurapika and gives him a big hug. He picks her up and gives her a kiss.

"How was work, daddy?" asks Scarlet.
"It was exciting!" exclaims Kurapika.

"Uncle Kurapika! Look what I made!" exclaims Juliette while showing Kurapika a book she had made.
"Let me see, beautiful." says Kurapika while kneeling back down.
"Look! We decorated it with leaves from outside. And I drew a picture of Scarlet!" explains Juliette.
"You are very creative." says Kurapika while looking through Juliette's book.

There is a loud pounding on the front door. Kurapika stands up.

"Everyone stay here. Let me check to see who is at the door knocking like that." says Kurapika while walking to his front door. He looks outside.

"Gon?" he asks himself while he unlocks the door.

Gon runs into Kurapika's house as soon as he opens the door. Gon is upset.

"What is the matter, Gon? Is everything alright?" asks Kurapika.
"No! I think I am making a big mistake!" answers Gon with tears forming in his eyes.
"A mistake? What are you talking about?" asks Kurapika.
"I shouldn't get married!" answers Gon.
"What do you mean?" asks Kurapika.
"I was talking to my dad and he said I am wasting my life." answers Gon.

Kurapika stares at his friend. Gon has grown up. He looks just like Ging.

"How could he say that?" asks Kurapika.
"Kurapika? How did you know you were doing the right thing when you asked Kohana to marry you?" asks Gon.

Kurapika thinks back to when he proposed to Kohana.

"It's the most wonderful feeling I have ever felt. Whenever I saw Kohana, I felt my heart fill up with passion. It was an enchantment. That magical feeling spread throughout the rest of my body. I knew I had to make her mine forever." answers Kurapika.
"Yes! That is exactly how I feel!" exclaims Gon.
"There is your answer. You know you are not making a mistake. It is obvious Ging has never felt that way before." says Kurapika.
"When I asked her to marry me, I was on one knee holding the ring. Those few seconds I waited for her answer felt like forever. I couldn't breathe until she answered me!" says Gon with a smile.
"It sounds like you found your forever." Kurapika says with a laugh.

Gon suddenly looks sad. He looks at Kurapika.

"Kurapika? Do you still miss her?" asks Gon.
"Of course. She was my Heaven." answers Kurapika.
"I'm sorry she left so soon. I couldn't even imagine." says Gon.
"She left me with Scarlet. I am grateful." says Kurapika.
"Do you think you will ever get married again?" asks Gon.
"No, Gon. I do not." answers Kurapika.
"But...Kurapika? I think she would want you to be happy." says Gon.
"I am happy, Gon." says Kurapika.
"I mean happy in love. Kohana was the kindest person. I know she would want you to experience love again." says Gon with a smile.
"I...I just don't think I could ever feel that way about someone else. No, it's impossible." says Kurapika.
"Well, just don't give up on the idea," says Gon.

They both stand in silence for a few minutes.

"Killua also thinks I am making a mistake." says Gon.
"I wouldn't worry about what Killua has to say. He is just upset that you two won't have time for adventures anymore." explains Kurapika.

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