Returning home

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A week later, Kurapika is sitting in his living room. He hasn't been able to rest since Scarlet left to take the Hunter exam. He is slouching forward with his elbows resting on his thighs. It is late afternoon.

Why am I so worried? She is a lot stronger than I was when I took the exam. Probably smarter as well.

Kurapika gets up and walks over to the mantel. He is staring at Kohana's picture.

My Heaven, I am so sorry for not considering how you wanted Scarlet to be raised. She is our daughter. Not only mine.

Kurapika can feel the presence of someone walking towards the cottage. He runs to the front door and opens it. Tears begin to fill his eyes as he watches his daughter walk up to him with a smile on her face. She is covered in bruises and dried blood. There is a bump over her right eye. As she gets closer to Kurapika, she holds out her hand. Kurapika looks down and sees her Hunter's license. He takes it and smiles as he pulls her in for a hug.

"My precious jewel." says Kurapika.
"Daddy, I know you are angry. I will accept whatever punishment you give me. I'm terribly sorry and I love you so much. Please know that I didn't mean to go behind your back." says Scarlet as she cries into her father's shoulder.

"I am glad you did. You reminded me of what your mother wanted." says Kurapika.
"What did she want?" asks Scarlet, confused.
"She wanted you to live an adventurous life. And I have been giving you the opposite. I should be the one apologizing to you." answers Kurapika.

They walk inside of the cottage.

"Go and get cleaned up. I want to hear all about the three hundred and ninth Hunter exam." says Kurapika with a smile.

Scarlet takes a shower and walks into the kitchen where Kurapika left her a plate of food. She eats it up quickly. She didn't realize how hungry she was. When she is finished, she looks for her father. He is in his bedroom looking at his pictures of the Kurta Clan and Kohana. He is holding Scarlet's license.

"Daddy?" asks Scarlet.
"I will be holding your license until you turn eighteen. You are not to use it until then." explains Kurapika.
"Understandable." says Scarlet as she hugs Kurapika.
"Come on. Tell me all about the exam." says Kurapika as he walks Scarlet into the living room.

Scarlet excitedly tells Kurapika all about the exam. Kurapika smiles. He is very proud of his daughter.

Scarlet leaves out the part about meeting Machiko. She only mentions her Empress Time discovery.

"Empress Time?" asks Kurapika, confused.
"Yes, dad. When my eyes are scarlet, I become a Specialist. Just like you." answers Scarlet.
"My precious jewel. Please. Do not ever use that ability unless you are in a life or death situation. Overuse will take years off of your life." explains Kurapika.
"What do you mean? You have used it many times. What are you trying to tell me?" asks Scarlet. She is worried.
"I am simply reinforcing what I have taught you during our Nen lessons. Emperor Time takes a great amount of aura and that comes with a condition." answers Kurapika.
"You know what I'm asking you! How many years will be deducted from your life? Answer me!" exclaims Scarlet.

Kurapika smiles as he watches Scarlet. She is a lot like him.

"Don't worry about me. I promise I still have many more years left to be with you." answers Kurapika.
"You better!" exclaims Scarlet, angrily.

They both continue to talk until Scarlet falls asleep on the couch. Kurapika picks her up and gently places her in her bed. He covers her up and goes into his room to call his friends. He first calls Killua because he knows how worried Killua was. Gon didn't even know about the girls' escape, but he is very proud of them both. Kurapika calls Leorio last.

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