Starry Night

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It is the evening of Juliette's school dance. Scarlet walks out of her room all dressed up in her new red dress. Kurapika's eyes widened.

"You look absolutely beautiful." says Kurapika. "Just like your mother."
"Thank you, daddy." says Scarlet.

Kurapika takes a few pictures of Scarlet. She grabs his phone to take a selfie of them both.

Kurapika drives Scarlet to Juliette's school. It is crowded.

"Have a good time. Please be careful." says Kurapika as he drops Scarlet off at the front of the school.
"Don't worry, dad. Love you!" says Scarlet as she gets out of the car.
"Remember...Leorio will be picking you girls up." says Kurapika.
"I know!" yells Scarlet as she shuts the door.

Kurapika looks at Scarlet as she runs into the auditorium. He feels sad.

My little girl is growing up.

Scarlet immediately sees Juliette when she enters the auditorium. Juliette is wearing a long black strapless gown.

The auditorium is nicely decorated with a "Starry Night" theme. Sparkling lights are scattered throughout the walls and ceiling. Pop music is playing loudly from the speakers. A lot of students are already dancing.

"Hey, girl!" exclaims Juliette as Scarlet approaches her. "Where is your man?"
"I don't know. I don't see him anywhere." answers Scarlet as she looks around.
"Text him." says Juliette.
"Right." says Scarlet as she texts Kento.

Kento texts her back right away.

"He says he is outside at the front." says Scarlet.
"Okay, go get him. I'll wait for you here." says Juliette.

Scarlet walks back outside and looks around for Kento. He is standing up against the wall at the corner of the auditorium entrance. He is dressed nicely in a suit. He is holding a rose for Scarlet. Kento watches Scarlet as she looks for him. He has a big smile on his face. She turns around and finally finds him. She runs up to him.

"There you are!" exclaims Scarlet.
"Scarlet. You are the prettiest girl here." says Kento as he hands her the rose.
"Thank you. You look nice as well." says Scarlet, blushing. She takes the rose and smells it.
"Ready?" asks Kento as he takes Scarlet's hand.
"Yes!" answers Scarlet. She holds his hand as they walk inside.

Juliette sees them and gets excited. She starts to take pictures of them.

"Juliette, not too many." says Scarlet.
"Don't worry," says Juliette. "My dad never goes through my phone."

The three of them get on the dance floor and start to dance to the music. Scarlet remembers some of the dance moves Killua taught her years ago.

"This is so much fun! I never get to do things like this!" exclaims Scarlet.
"Yeah, I need to get you out more!" exclaims Juliette.

A slow song starts to play. Scarlet nervously looks at Kento. He is holding his hands out for her. Juliette pushes the two of them closer together. They both blush. Kento places his hands on Scarlet's hips.

"Is it okay if I put my hands here?" asks Kento.
"Yes." answers Scarlet.

They start to dance slowly. Kento looks down into Scarlet's eyes.

"Let me guess...Mr. Kurta has no idea I am here with you." says Kento with a smile.
"How did you guess?" asks Scarlet, surprised.
"I asked him about you today. It was obvious he had no idea. Don't worry...I didn't tell him anything." answers Kento.
"Thank you. I'm sorry. It's just that my dad is really strict and I really wanted to see you again." explains Scarlet.
"I really wanted to see you, too. I'm glad you texted me. It's just that I don't like lying to Mr. Kurta. He's a cool guy." says Kento.
"That's funny. I never heard anyone call my dad cool before." says Scarlet with a laugh.
"I enjoy working with him. And you know what? He actually asked if I wanted to be his partner." says Kento.
"Seriously? He must really like you because my dad prefers to work alone." says Scarlet, surprised.
"Yeah, he told me that on my first day so I was surprised as well." says Kento.

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