Nen lessons

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Kurapika instructs the girls to start some schoolwork when they get home. Killua comes over shortly after.

"Hey, Kurapika. You look like shit." says Killua.
"Killua! Please don't talk like that in front of the girls!" exclaims Kurapika.
"Relax. They are in the room. Anyway, I'm leaving Mina in your hands. Don't try anything." says Killua with an angry look on his face.
"She is safe here. What is with your attitude this morning? Are you still upset about Alluka? Or is it because you are turning thirty in a few months?" asks Kurapika.
"Hey, shut up!" exclaims Killua.

Killua kisses Mina goodbye and he leaves. Mina looks at Kurapika. She is nervous.

"Good morning, Mr. Kurta." says Mina.
"You can just call me Kurapika." says Kurapika.
"Okay. What would you like me to do?" asks Mina.
"You can have a seat. I'm going to change." says Kurapika as he leaves to go into his bedroom.

Kurapika comes back out a few minutes later dressed in his martial arts uniform. He gathers everyone up and they all head outside to the backyard. He starts to go over Ten. Scarlet and Juliette learn it quickly. Mina has trouble getting started.

"You must keep your nodes open and allow your aura to flow around your body." Kurapika explains to Mina.

Mina continues to try. She gives up and tears start to fill her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Kurapika. I'm just not cut out for this. I don't mean to waste your time." says Mina.
"There is no need to apologize. I don't expect you to learn Ten in one day." says Kurapika.
"I know, but Killua really wants me to be good at this." says Mina.
"Why?" asks Kurapika.
"I honestly don't know. He said he will always be around to protect me so it's not like I need to learn." answers Mina.

Mina starts to cry. Kurapika's eyes widened and sweat drops formed on his forehead.

"Girls, go ahead and enjoy some free play." Kurapika tells Scarlet and Juliette.

The girls happily run off to play. Kurapika faces Mina.

"Listen. Learning Nen is not easy. It will take up a lot of your time. You need to be dedicated. If this isn't something you want to do, then you must tell Killua." explains Kurapika.
"You're right. I will tell him. Thank you." says Mina.

She continues to cry.

"Why are you still crying?" asks Kurapika.
"I don't know. I guess because Killua has been acting differently and I don't know why." answers Mina.
"Oh, well I wouldn't take it personally. I have known Killua since he was twelve. He tends to act like that when he doesn't get his way. You know his sister recently got married. He didn't approve of it." says Kurapika.
"Yeah. I just want more, you know?" asks Mina.
"More what?" asks Kurapika.
"We have been going out for three years now. Does he ever plan on making me Mrs. Zoldyck?" asks Mina.
"Uh...I am not the one you should be asking. I am unaware of his intentions." answers Kurapika, nervously.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just find it easy to talk to you." says Mina.
"It's not a problem. Listen. As I'm sure you are aware, Killua is not one to make his feelings known. However, rest assured that he has a big heart. Just give him a little more time." says Kurapika.
"Yes, you're right. Thank you, Kurapika." says Mina, sniffling.

Mina grabs Kurapika's hands and bows her head.

Killua walks outside holding a bouquet of flowers. He notices Mina holding Kurapika's hands.

"Hey! I told you not to try anything!" says Killua while dropping the bouquet.

Killua runs into Kurapika and pushes him to the ground.

"Killua, what was that for?" asks Kurapika.
"I caught you!" exclaims Killua.
"You caught me what?" asks Kurapika while he gets up.
"You know what." answers Killua while facing away from Kurapika and closing his eyes.

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