The new baby Kurta

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Scarlet fell to the floor due to the intense pain of labor. Kento ran to get everything ready. Kurapika is holding onto his daughter.

"I can't, daddy. I just can't. This hurts too much." says Scarlet, wincing in pain.
"You can. I'm right here with you. We need to get you to the car." says Kurapika while trying to stand Scarlet up.
"Please...don't leave me." says Scarlet.
"Never," says Kurapika.

Kurapika helps Scarlet get into the car. Kento sits next to her while Kurapika drives them to the hospital. Kurapika calls Leorio as soon as they get to the hospital. Scarlet gets checked in. The nurse informs her that she is progressing quickly. She holds Kurapika's hand.

"Don't leave. I want you here." says Scarlet after a contraction.
"My precious jewel...allow your husband to take part in the birth. It's an experience he will never forget." says Kurapika.
"Oh...okay. Just don't go far." says Scarlet.

Kurapika leaves her delivery room. He shuts the door behind him. He leans up against the wall and closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath. Scarlet was born in the same room. He tries not to think about what happened to Kohana. He fails and starts to feel short of breath. Leorio finds Kurapika and he could tell Kurapika is in distress. He runs up to his friend and wraps an arm around him.

"It's okay, Kurapika. Scarlet will be fine." says Leorio while walking Kurapika to the waiting room.

Kurapika allows Leorio to take him to the waiting room. They both sit down. Kurapika feels better.

"Thank you for being here." says Kurapika.
"Of course. I wouldn't be anywhere else. You are family." says Leorio.

Kurapika smiles.

An hour later, a nurse walks into the waiting room.

"Mr. Kurta? Your daughter is asking for you." says the nurse.

Kurapika and Leorio stand up. Kurapika rushes into Scarlet's room. She is crying.

"Daddy! They took Kurapika away from me!" shouts Scarlet.

Kurapika looks around the room. He is confused.

"What? I am right here." says Kurapika while holding Scarlet's hand.
" son." says Scarlet.
"Your...your son? I have a grandson?" asks Kurapika with widened eyes.
"Yes. His name is Kurapika. They took him away." says Scarlet.

Leorio is standing behind Kurapika. The nurse explains to them how the baby was born blue and they had to rush him to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Kurapika starts to shake.

"No. Please." says Kurapika.
"I'll talk to the neonatologist." says Leorio.

Leorio leaves the delivery room to talk to the neonatologist. The baby was born prematurely and is receiving oxygen. Leorio stares at Kurapika's tiny grandson, who is laying in the radiant warmer. The baby is hooked up to oxygen and has multiple leads attached to him. Tears start to fill in Leorio's eyes.

Leorio walks to the hospital chapel. He kneels down.

"Please. Please don't do this to Kurapika. He has gone through too much already. Allow him this one thing. He deserves to be happy. Be with his grandson. Heal him. Please. I will give anything." says Leorio.

Kurapika is comforting Scarlet while Kento goes to see his new son in the NICU. Leorio walks in and explains everything to Kurapika and Scarlet.

"If he's anything like the two of you, he'll be just fine," says Leorio.
"Are you sure? I'm so scared!" asks Scarlet.

Leorio walks up to Scarlet and takes her hand.

"Yes. They are taking excellent care of him." answers Leorio.

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