Chapter 3

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Matt's POV: After walking out to my truck, I looked at Gabby and sighed when we held each other close. "Listen, before anything...can you just tell me how far along you are?" Gabby then nodded. "I am currently 4 weeks along. So, I am not ready to tell anybody. Last time we told people this early know what happened." I agreed and nodded while holding her close. "Gabby, I hate to even think this but...this wasn't planned right? I am so sorry to think that. It's just..."

Gabby then looked at me and shook her head. "Matt, I promise...this is not planned. I am scared out of my mind. All of the reasons you said we shouldn't do this...well they are now playing in my mind. Your fear to loose me, it's playing in my mind because now I realize that it's a possibility and it's all my fault." I stopped her when she said that and shook my head. "Hey, this is not your fault Gabby. I was the one who didn't take the precautions. I share the blame fully."

Gabby nodded when I said that. Pressing my lips against her forehead, Gabby just held me close and teared up. "Matt, tell me we are going to be okay if this goes wrong. Last time around, we almost lost each other because we fought after the last baby. Babe, I need you to be in this with me. Whatever we decide to do...we need to agree and you need to back me up. If I want to do this, I want to really try. Matt, you've always wanted to be a dad...what if this is your chance?"

I nodded and understood where she was coming from. "Gabby, can we not do this here right by Molly's? Babe, this is a conversation that we need to have just the two of us." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "But you also need to understand that I have morals. And sure, I am not that religious...I still don't like abortions. I hate the idea of them. What happens if I want to go ahead with the pregnancy? Will you be here by my side and support me if we go ahead with the pregnancy?" I then looked at her and nodded. "Babe, of course I will. You are my wife."

Gabby then came to hold me close, wrapping her arms around me as I held her, worried out of my mind at the thought of loosing my wife. But, we were pregnant and I knew that she was not going to give up this child without a fight. We lost Louie, we lost our first child. Maybe this is our chance. They always say that the third time's the charm. What if that's true for us. Gabby then leaned back and looked at me. "Listen, I know it's early for you but I am exhausted because I haven't been able to sleep well recently. Well, since I did the test 2 days ago."

I felt bad for her and nodded. "Sure thing. You already go to the appartment?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Yeah. And please promise to take the day tomorrow if you are working?" I smiled when she siad that. "Babe, I am off until the New Year. I was scheduled to fly to Puerto Rico tomorrow to come be with you." Gabby then remembered that and nodded. "Okay, then listen...I am going to get in the car, then you are going to drive us home. I want to just get home and go relax okay? We can talk about what this means for this pregnancy. We need to talk Matt."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Then go get in the truck and we will go home and talk about this." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she went to walk around the car so that I could drive her home. "Just don't expect me not to want to hold you close tonight. I want my girl in my arms." Gabby laughed when I said that, ready to head home with me after having just told me that she is pregnant with our child. God, I just hope we can make it through this. Let's hope this is the right move because I want a baby this time around. Is this our chance?

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