Chapter 71

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Matt's POV: After finishing up in the washroom and coming back to the bedroom, I smiled when we were now alone. I decided to lock the bedroom door so that we couldn't be disturbed before getting undressed. Gabby was already in bed in a nightie and I smiled at the sight. "Okay, new rule for the pregnancy...only nighties aloud." Gabby then looked up from her phone and smiled. "Okay. I agree with that because it's comfortable." Getting undressed, I went to set my sweats down at the end of our bed since they weren't dirty. I then went to put my phone down on my side table before grabbing my iPad since that was what we were both doing right now. "Let me guess, we are just going to use our electronics for a while?" I nodded and smiled at her.

"You already got a bit frustrated tonight and that might've raised your blood pressure. I do not want to risk raising it more with much more...entertaining activities. That way, you and our baby in there stay safe." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "That sounds like the perfect reason for us to just sit in here and relax." I smiled when she said that and nodded as I got in bed next to her. Moving my arm around her, I smiled when she cuddled up to me and went to kiss me softly. "I am still going to cuddle up to you. I don't care if we said that we need to relax right now...I still love having you strong arm around me each night and that isn't going to change just because we need to take it easy tonight." I nodded and agreed with her. "Understood."

Gabby then just went to play on her iPad again while I went to grab my iPad in my drawer. Opening it, I smiled when I saw a picture of us on our wedding day. "Just curious, what would you ever think of us doing a real wedding?" Gabby then looked up at me. "That was out of the blue but, what do you mean?" I then sighed and went to show her the picture I had as my iPad wallpaper. "I mean, I love the fact we are married but...this is not exactly the wedding picture I always dreamed of. I always pictured us in a suit and you in a nice dress." Gabby thought about it and nodded. "Yeah, same here. It's just...we don't have the time now with the baby coming and stuff." I nodded and smiled at her. "Someday though, I want to renew our vows."

"You think that we need to renew our vows? Do you not believe mine anymore?" I then looked at her. "Hey, of course not Gabby. Of course I still believe your wedding vows, I always will....I promise babe. It's just, I always dreamed of having the big ceremony." Gabby then sighed when I said that. "Listen, I get you want that but...I am not really thinking of that right now. Right now, I want to pull all my energy into concentrating on this baby. You saying stuff like that doesn't help because it makes me worry. So please, can we put that on the backburner? Maybe in the future we can talk about it...but I am not ready to think about it. Matt, hearing that makes me think there's something wrong in our marriage. Tell me that's not what you're trying to say to me."

I was shocked she even thought that. "Hey, of course not Gabby. There is nothing wrong in our marriage. In fact, I think that our marriage is thriving. I am so sorry if that's how I made you feel because that was never my intent." I decided to roll over onto my side and went to grab her hand so that I could bring her close. "Believe me when I say this Gabby...I was just saying it because I want you moving back to be a new start for us. Can we just agree to leave the bad stuff that happened before you left to go to Puerto Rico in the past? I feel like this is a fresh start for us." Gabby then looked at me as she got close to me. Rubbing my hand, she smiled at me and nodded. "Yeah, I think I can agree to that. That sounds like a good idea. We are past it."

I smiled when she said that. "That's why I was thinking of doing a vow renewal. I am not going to push it though. I just thought...we can look at that as a new starting point for us. It can be a ceremony that is planned and not just done out of the blue. I mean, not that our wedding wasn't done at the right time for us." Gabby nodded and (seemed) to understand what I meant. "You understand what I am trying to say right?" Gabby nodded as she went to hug me. "Listen, just kiss me and hold me close. That's what I want right now as we fall asleep in each others arms." I laughed when she said that and smiled as I went to kiss her. But unfortunately, it wasn't long.

Hearing my phone ring, I sighed as I went to roll over to see it was Chief Boden. "It's Chief." I went to grab the phone and then went to talk to him while sitting up. "Chief, what's up?" Boden then sighed. "Sorry to disturb you guys but, I just learned that we don't have a replacement for Sylvie tomorrow. She's out but we do have a replacement for Mackey who's on vacation."  I sighed when he said that. "You want Gabby to take her place?" I then went to put us on speaker."I know that it's a stretch since you are pregnant but...I'm in a bind." I then looked at Gabby. "Would you be okay if I do it Matt?" I bit my lip and then went to speak up. "I'm sorry Gabby but, I am not okay with it. Please don't be mad."

Gabby nodded and understood. "I understand Matt. This pregnancy is not the typical pregnancy. You want me to be safe." I nodded and agreed with her. "Plus, we have plans." Boden understood. "It's okay guys, I will call Stella and tell her she's on Ambo tomorrow." I agreed. "Thanks Chief. I am just not comfortable with the risk. You know what I am talking about right?" Boden agreed. "I should've never asked." Gabby then sighed. "Boden, you can ask me when I am done being pregnant okay? Just not right now." I nodded when she said that. "Goodnight chief." Chief agreed. "Goodnight guys." Hanging up, I turned to look at Gabby.

I knew she felt guilty so, I just went to grab her hand. "Don't feel guilty okay? You did the right thing to protect both you and the baby." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Can we head to bed? I am tired." I nodded and agreed with her, going to kiss her softly before wrapping my arms around her. "Goodnight Gabby." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Goodnight Matt." I smiled when she said that and just went to rub her back as we held each other close in bed.

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