Chapter 16

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Matt's POV: After making my way into the washroom to be with Gabby, I sighed when I went to rub her back. "God, this is going to be bad." Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Just get ready...this might be my entire pregnancy." I nodded and smiled at her. "I am here for whatever you need. That includes food and medicine. Weren't we going to go to the hospital to go get those anti-nausea meds?" Gabby then groaned and nodded. "Yeah, we were supposed to but...I am not sure I want to leave the house right now." I nodded and understood.

"Then we don't have to okay? We can stay here, you can rest in bed and I can make you something easy on your stomach." Going to get up, I smiled at her. "Remember what I said, I am here for you...whatever you need." Gabby smiled when I said that. "We can go after Christmas okay? I just don't want to be there during the Christmas rush. December 23rd to December 26th is always the worst when it comes to people needing to go to the hospital. People call 9-1-1 for anything and everything because they are so panicked and don't want to be sick on Christmas."

I then turned to look at her as she went to grab her toothbrush to brush her teeth. Meanwhile, I went to flush the toilet once more before walking up behind her. Putting my hands on the counter next to her, I smiled while looking at her. "Is it horrible for me to want you to be sick on Christmas? Or does that make me selfish?" Gabby then looked at me as she went to spit the toothpaste out of her mouth. "Oh just relax." That's when I saw that she had vomit on her shirt. Going to grab a cloth, I was going to wash it off her when she saw it too. "Never mind."

Going to take off her shirt, Gabby then went to throw it into the hamper while revealing a nice bra which I liked. "Oh boy." Gabby then went to walk away to go grab another shirt when I stopped her. "Just where do you think you are going Mrs. Casey?" Standing behind her, I went to push her against the counter and then put my hands on her hips. Gently kissing her shoulder from behind, I smiled while holding her close to me. "Boy, you are so sexy right now babe. Please promise you are going to keep this off right now." Gabby then laughed and smiled.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, Gabby smiled while I held her in my arms. "Fine, I will keep it off. But only because I love it when you hold me close to your chest like this. Makes me feel special." I then turned her around in my arms and smiled at her. "And it should make you feel special. You are the only woman who is ever going to be held by me like this for the rest of your life. Gabby I promise, I am never letting you go ever again." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded as she came to hug me, obviously a little emotional/hormonal right now.

"Listen, how about you talk to your mom? Maybe you going to church isn't the best idea right now? Gabby you don't know when this is going to happen and I would hate for you to embarass yourself in front of the crowd. I can already see you getting so worried if you have to run out of the pew in the middle of mass. Just think about that." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "I am sure she won't mind. I mean, she should expect it. I am still early in my pregnancy...of course I am going to have morning sickness." I smiled and agreed with her. "Then call her."

Gabby nodded and smiled. "Can we at least have her over tomorrow? We can do church on TV or something. That's a compromise we can make that I am sure my mom would agree to." I nodded and smiled. "As long as you are okay with me just wearing sweats to church then I am okay with that." Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded. "Can you go make me a grilled chesse. That's what I'm craving right now. I will call my mom while you are out there. If she doesn't understand then we are just not going, I am not arguing with her." I sighed when she said that.

"Gabby, can you wait until I am back to call her? I don't want you to get overwhelmed." Gabby then turned to look at me and understood what I meant. Right, of course." I smiled when she said that. "Listen, go rest in bed...I will make you something to eat and then I will be right there." Walking over to her, I went to kiss her quickly and smiled while holding her close. Gabby then nodded as she wrapped her arms around me. "No shirt right?" I nodded and smirked when she said that. "No, put one on. We are not getting intimate right now."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "I will call my mom back, you make lunch and I will see you in bed." I nodded and smiled when she said that, letting her go so that I could go make us some lunch while she called her mom. I just hoped that her mom understood that it probably wasn't the best idea for a pregnant woman who is currently having morning sickness to go to church on Christmas Eve of all nights. I mean, that is horrible. Maybe we can just do Christmas Eve mass here on TV and then do gifts. Hopefully she can agree to that.

If not, we just won't go. I am not exposing my pregnant wife to germs. I want her to have a safe, healthy pregnancy. Whatever I can do to make that happen...I am going to do it without question.

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