Chapter 81

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Matt's POV: After finishing up at the store and making my way home, I smiled when I saw Gabby in the kitchen making us some lunch. "I guess I must've missed one of your calls saying you are hungry." Gabby then looked up at me and smiled. "I didn't call. I don't want you to be the one who cooks. I am able to do things and don't want to be a burden." I then went to take off my jacket and hung it up when she said that. "Hey, I never want to hear you say that again." Going to grab the groceries and stuff from the pharmacy, I walked over to her. 

Setting the groceries down on the counter, I then went to stand behind Gabby and wrapped my arms around her. "You are never going to be a burden okay? You are my wife and the mother of my child." Gabby then turned to look at me when I said that, putting her hands on my chest. "I mean it Gabby, I am okay with taking care of you. It's called being your husband and loving you. Through sickness and in health remember?" Gabby smiled when I said that before nodding. Pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, I went to kiss her softly.

"Listen, I am just going to put these away then...I want to talk to you about something Chief told me when we ran into each other at the store." Gabby then smiled. "Or you can tell me while you are doing it." I nodded and then went to grab the stuff for the fridge. "Boden has said that he has put you back on my domestic health insurance." Gabby seemed confused when I said that. "What do you mean?" I sighed. "In my health policy, Puerto Rico is international so...I had to pay higher premiums through the union to give you health insurance."

Gabby then looked at me. "Babe." I sighed when she said that because I knew she was going to be against it. "Gabby, I wasn't going to let you go without health insurance. I really don't mind, honestly. You are my wife and it felt like I was in a way...still providing for my family." Gabby then reached out for my hand and grabbed it. "You should've told me. Then, my organization wouldn't have always had to come to me when I put claims in for the dentist and stuff...the CFD insurance has auto claim from my providers. They said I was denied."

I then got nervous. "No, don't tell me that they made you pay out of pocket sometimes." Gabby then sighed as I finished putting the groceries away. Walking up to her, I went to grab her hand and then went to intertwine our fingers. "Gabby, I am so sorry. I guess we should've talked about that. There were so many conversations we probably should've had when we agreed to do it long distance.' Gabby then nodded when I said that, wrapping her arms around me. "I just thought that I should pay for myself if I didn't want to be here."

I shook my head when she said that. "Not a chance. You are my wife, you didn't have a paying job. There was no way that I wasn't going to provide for you Gabby. You will never have to worry about having a roof over your head, food to eat or health insurance." I then went to kiss her softly and just went to hold Gabby close. "That should be the least of your worries considering what you are dealing with right now." Gabby nodded when I said that. "We are in this together okay?" Wrapping my arm around her, I went to kiss her head and smiled at her.

That's when I went to grab her medication out of the bags. "Here, I got this for you." Gabby then looked at the bottle. "What's this?" I then smiled at her. "Nausea medicine." She agreed and smiled. "You're a life saver. Did you get the instructions." I nodded. "One every 12 hours or whenever it gets bad." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Listen, put those in the washroom and I will finish this....what is it exactly?" Gabby then laughed. "Something I learned to make in Puerto Rico. So, you go put those in the washroom."

I nodded and agreed, gently kissing her head before rubbing her back. "Oh and Boden already knows you are coming in on every shift, forget to mention that. So you've been given the all clear to do that okay? So, I don't want to hear any complaining in the New Year when I tell you that you are coming in for my shifts." Gabby then looked at me and nodded. "Matt, listen to me. I am coming to your shifts because it is going to be better for my mental health and for the pregnancy." I then looked at her and got nervous. "Why exactly?"

I then sighed. "I talked to Severide while you were gone. He called my phone instead of yours by accident. Wanted to see if you were going to use these tickets you had for the flight to Puerto Rico still? Wanted to take Stella on a vacation on next furlough." I nodded and agreed with her. "Okay, how is this..." Gabby then sighed. "He told me that since I left, you've gotten sloppy sometimes. You've been distracted whenever one of the victims look like me. Is that true babe?" I sighed when she asked me that and then just went to sit down, hating that this came out.

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