Chapter 58

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Matt's POV: After finishing breakfast, I smiled when Gabby finished getting changed. She didn't feel comfortable in her last outfit and decided to change. But, I think she just wanted to tease me/show off her baby bump. I am just shocked that she is already showing. Having looked up online, I have checked what I normal 4 week baby bump is supposed to look like. I am just confused as to why Gabby is bigger than what I see on the pictures. Before you say anything, I am not accusing her of cheating on me...that would never happen. She would only get pregnant with my kid considering the risks. So, that must only been one thing...we are expecting twins.

Walking over to Severide, I went to show him some pictures. "Okay, be honest with me. When you look at Gabby's bump...which does it look like more. Left or right?" Severide then looked at Gabby and then smiled. "Right, why?" I then looked at him before showing him the caption (I was hiding it so he was honest with me instead of trying not to scare me). "Oh god. You think?" Gabby then walked over to us both with Stella. "You seriously trying to ask him if he thinks I am pregnant with twins. Matt, just relax before you get me stressed. If it is twins, it's not that bad. It just means I am never working again and we are done having kids." I nodded and smiled.

Grabbing her hand, I went to intertwine our fingers before smiling at Gabby. "But if we are having twins...I am going to be that much happier. I don't care, we are having a baby. Nothing is going to happen to it. Nor are we doing anything to change what we get." Gabby liked the sound of that and smiled. "Good. Now, we need to get going so that we aren't late for shift." Gabby then leaned up and kissed me softly. "Severide, you go out with Stella first." Stella then came out of the washroom and smiled at us. "I swear, you guys are going to be great parents. I am so excited for you guys." I smiled when she said that. "Thanks Stella."

Looking at Gabby, I brought her close to me and smiled at her. "Sorry for stressing you out. Can you forgive me?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me when I asked her that. "Always." I then went to wrap my arms around her and smiled as I went to leave a kiss on her forehead. "I love you and whatever life throws at us...I know we can do it if we face it together." Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed with me. "Listen, let's not stress about it until we find out. But what we do need to stress about is being late." I nodded and smiled at her. "Technically, we can't be late considering I am on vacation and you don't work at the CFD yet." Gabby nodded and agreed.

"By the way, later I want to talk about OFI. I am starting to reconsider. Maybe instead I can just work at Molly's. Then I can make more money." I thought about that and agreed with her. "We could also try and move closer to the firehouse. That way, I can get visits from my girl and our kids on a regular basis." Gabby laughed when I said that and smiled. "Let me think about it. But if you see something you think I might like, let me know and I will look at it." I nodded and agreed with her. Going to lead her to the door, I realized that we were not alone. Coming out of our room, Severide went to look at me. "Thanks for the cologne man." I then looked at him.

"You did not use some of the cologne on my side table did you?" Severide then nodded. "Why?" I then sighed. "That's Gabby's favorite cologne. And it's expensive. So, you do not use it anymore unless it's a special occasion." Gabby then looked at me confused. I then just shook my head and played with her engagement ring. She then nodded and realized what I was talking about. "Listen, let's get going. I want to go spend Christmas with the family." Gabby nodded and agreed. "And I want to go spend time with my friends that I haven't spent much time with. I also want to help out. I love doing charitable things." I agreed and smiled when she said that.

"You guys go ahead okay? I need to lock up." I then let Gabby's hand go so that she could go with Stella and Severide to walk outside. Stella then let go of Severide's hand too so she could talk to Gabby on their way out. I just shook my head and looked at Kelly. "This January, we are going to that store." He nodded and agreed with me. "You're my man if she says yes." I smiled and agreed. "Of course, sorry you weren't mine." He laughed and nodded. "You should do a vow renewal sometime. Gabby needs a real wedding. Oh and you need a bigger place. How about instead of us moving and Gabby move out to a bigger place?

I thought about it and agreed with him. "Honestly, that's a good idea. I wouldn't mind a place with two floors. One with the bedroom where the baby can sleep and the other where we can be downstairs doing parent stuff. Oh and a basement for game night." Severide laughed when I said that. "Big screen TV with that big salary you have." I nodded and agreed with him. "By the way, I want to say that the rumor is that Boden might retire within the next couple years. What do you think about that?" Severide then looked at me. "Then you are going to make a great chief." I smiled when he said that. "You won't be mad if they offer it to me?"

Severide then smirked. "You are going to need the money man." Locking up, I smiled when he said that before walking over to our girls. "Just a warning, I expect you to stay on as Squad Lieutenant." He nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Believe me, I am not going anywhere. Still going to try and steal Stella from you." Stella then looked at him. "Kelly, that's not happening. I like being on truck. Stop trying." Severide then laughed. "Not going to happen. I am always going to try and bring my girl onto my truck." Gabby then bit her lip. "Believe me Kelly, it's not a good idea. It's a lot harder to get married if you're on the same vehicle."

I then looked down at her and then spoke up. "Not that you are doing that anytime soon." Stella nodded and agreed with me. "Stop pressuring me girl." Gabby nodded and agreed. "Listen, you guys go ahead in your car. I am going to drive Gabby in our car so we can leave early just in case." Severide nodded and agreed with me, giving me a look telling me that I need to talk to her so that she doesn't ruin the surprise. Knowing exactly what he meant, I nodded to give him a signal that I am going to do just that. Once the two of them left, Gabby was about to go into the car. "Listen, I need to tell you something." Gabby then turned to look at me, concerned. "What's up baby?" I then sighed and brought her close. "You need to calm down about the married stuff."

Gabby was confused when I said that. "Why? I am trying to get him to wake up and pop the question. It's been long enough and Stella might not say it but...I know she's waiting." I then looked at her and sighed, deciding to tell her. "He bought a ring."

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