Chapter 35

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Matt's POV: Once I finishing making me and Gabby some pancakes, I turned to look at her as she came out of the washroom in her dress. "How does this look?" Turning to look at her, I smiled. "The earings go with the dress or should I do the dangly ones?" I just smiled and didn't say anything. "God Matt, just speak up for crying out loud!" I then sighed and went to walk over to her. "Okay first, take a breath." Gabby nodded when I said that before stepping close to me. "Second, you look gorgeous with whatever earings you wear. Anyways, you never listen to me."

Gabby then looked at me and thought that was a dig at her pregnancy. "I thought you were on board with this." I then looked at her. "Hey, woah. I was not talking about this..." I then went to put my hand on her stomach and just rubbed it. " just always show me earings and then make me pick the one you want even when I pick the nice one in my opinion." Gabby then thought about it and nodded, taking another breath. "You're right." I nodded while stepping close to her and moving to kiss her forehead. "Listen, you need to relax okay?"

Gabby nodded when I said that before moving to hug me. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I went to kiss her softly and smiled. "You look gorgeous in this dress so please, just relax and concentrate on getting ready. Regardless of what you wear, you look beautiful in my eyes because of the fact you are pregnant." Gabby smiled when I said that before kissing me again. "You wearing a fancy jacket to go or are you going to just wear your winter coat?" I then looked at her. "Honestly, since it's family...I am just wearing my winter coat. Can you get yours out?"

Gabby laughed when I said that. "Believe me, that is what I am doing. I am not going out in the cold when I am pregnant." I smiled when she said that. "You shouldn't go out in the cold without a coat in general are completely right. Now that you are pregnant, I better never catch you outside without a coat. You need to stay healthy both for your sake and that of our baby." Gabby smiled when I said that. "For some reason, this is just starting to feel real for me. Maybe it's because I am here doing it with you in Chicago." I smiled when she said that.

"Well good, because that is what I want to hear. No offence but, I think much as I say it would be the case that I would be happy doing it in Puerto Rico, I think it's better for us to do it here." Gabby then went to sit on the couch when I said that. "Any particular reason?" I then sighed. "There are more specialists. Not saying that anything will go wrong but...if anything does go wrong, I would rather it happen here because then, they have specialists that are much easier to get a hold of than in Puerto Rico. Does that make sense at all?"

Gabbby nodded. "Hey, of course it does. Matt, that has nothing to do with us deciding whether to go forward or not. That is a good point even for when we are pregnant and for when I give birth." I smiled when she said that. "We are really going to have to talk about how often you are going to go to the doctor. I am sorry but, I want you to go more often than normal. And it's not because I don't trust's to monitor stuff." Gabby understood when I said that. "Matt, I know what you are talking about. No need to explain it babe."

I smiled when she said that. "Good, because I don't want to have to do it every time we talk." Gabby laughed when I said that and smiled. "Now, can you please just concentrate on breakfast? As much as I love talking to you..which I do, I am starting to get hungry. And now, I am not just eating for myself...I am also eating for two." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Of course, just give me maybe 5-10 minutes and breakfast will be ready." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded while going to turn the TV on. "You want to eat there or at the table?"

Gabby then smiled. "Here, it's more comfortable." I smiled and agreed. "Definitely. Oh and tomorrow, we are sleeping in again." Gabby nodded. "Oh definitely. Now, keep cooking and shut up. The more you talk, the longer I have to wait for food." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Okay, it's coming." Gabby nodded and smiled again, ready to have breakfast.

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