Chapter 51

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Matt's POV: After setting up the GoFundMe page to help us have a baby, I decided to get changed for bed since we were done getting up for today. I didn't want to have to move out of bed and we were now just going to watch some movies. That's when I heard my phone ring and I saw it was Severide. Going to answer it on speaker, I smiled. "Hey, what's up man?" Severide then spoke to me. "What's up with this GoFundMe you just sent me?" I then sighed. "Did you even read what it was about? Severide, you know what the reason we didn't try for kids at first."

Severide then looked at it (obviously) because of what he just said. "Oh, there's treatment options?" I agreed with him. "Yeah and we were scared with the cost. So, we decided to try and get some help from the community. Now, I am not expecting anything from you guys since you are going to give us stuff at our baby shower." Severide laughed when I said that. "Don't be too sure." I then chuckled. "Yeah, I know you gave Hermann stuff at his baby shower. There is no doubt in my mind you will do the same for me and Gabby."

Severide laughed when I said that. "Oh definitely, I have to try and become the baby's godfather somehow."  That's when Gabby came out. "That is going to be a big fat no." I then turned to look at her while going to get in bed, seeing she was in a nightie. I smirked when she wore that and just smiled. Gabby could tell I liked what I saw while walking over to me. "You're going to catch flies in your mouth if you keep staring at me like that." I then went to sit up against the pillows while looking at her. Joining me in bed, Gabby smiled as she got in bed with me...kissing me.

Feeling her lay down on my chest, I smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her and then tugged the covers up. Gabby then went to speak to Severide. "And no, you are not going to be the godfather Severide. That has already been chosen." I then turned to look at her. "It has?" Gabby nodded. "My brother." I agreed with her. "Now that makes sense." I then leaned down to kiss her and smiled while going to kiss her slowly. "Tomorrow we stay in bed okay? I am not moving on Christmas." I nodded and agreed with her, loving that idea.

Severide then spoke to us. "So, about these treatment options?" Gabby sighed when she looked at me. "You told him about those?" I shook my head. "I just said there was treatment options and that's why we started the GoFundMe page. I already shared it with everybody at the firehouse. Just no pressure on them to donate. However, I have a feeling that both Boden and Hermann are going to donate anyways. They see you as their surrogate daughter. Remember what Hermann said when we had problems with our first baby?"

Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "I remember that. It was so sweet for him to think of me as another one of his daughters. I am going to have to talk to him. But don't forget that tomorrow is another Christmas movie day. Oh and I expect breakfast in bed." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "We are sleeping in so relax." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Oh definitely." I smiled and just held her close while we laid down on bed together. I then when to speak to Severide again. "What you and Stella doing tomorrow?"

Severide laughed when I said that. "Nothing much. I already gave her Christmas gift to her tonight so we can sleep in." I agreed. "I did the same thing." Gabby smiled and looked at the Christmas gift that I gave her because she really loved it. "I love it by the way." I smiled when she said that and nodded while kissing her head. "I know baby. Now listen Severide, I would like a bit of alone time with my girl before we head to bed. Talk to you tomorrow maybe?" Severide agreed with me. "Maybe, talk later and Merry early Christmas to you both." I smiled and agreed with him. "Merry early Christmas to you too Severide."

I then went to end the call and looked at Gabby. Gabby then smiled at me. "Can I ask you a favor?" I then looked down at her. "What's that?" Gabby then smiled. "I know we volunteered today at the firehouse soup kitchen but...what do you say we go in tomorrow again? I know it's Christmas but..." I smiled when she said that. "We'll see how you are feeling but, I think that might be fun. Plus, I owe the world some volunteer time. I should've gone with you so...I need to try and catch up on the number of hours you gave to the world." Gabby laughed and agreed.

Going to kiss me softly, she smiled. "I love you." I nodded and smiled at her. "I love you too. Now, let's get to bed. I am tired both because it's been a long couple days and because I am pregnant." I nodded and agreed with her. "I love you Gabby." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I love you too Matt." I smiled while going to kiss her head again before going to shut my bedside lamp off and just relaxing with Gabby before we eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

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