New Year's Eve 2020

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New Year's Eve 2020 - 5 PM
Matt's POV: As I walked around the firehouse after doing a quick reliever shift for the other head of Truck 81 during the day, I smiled when I walked over to Chief's office. "Thanks again for understanding that I could only do the day shift Chief." Chief then looked up at me and smiled. "Of course you can only do the day shift. Surprised that I didn't see Gabby here at all today. I was looking forward to seeing her here on the off day." I smiled when he said that. "She was packing today. I am taking her away tomorrow. We haven't been on a honeymoon yet."

Chief then looked at me. "What's the plan.": I smiled at him. "So listen, I know I put in for furlough but...I did work a few shifts between now and Christmas. As in, all the shifts was supposed to work." Chief nodded. "You are wondering if you can get the furlough time back." I nodded. "I know it's late but...can I put it to this week. I was hoping to take Gabby to a beachfront resort in Cancun next week as a honeymoon. We never got one and I think it's overdue." Chief then smiled when I said that. "Well, if that isn't a great reason to take a vacation."

I then nodded. "So, I don't have to cancel the vacation? I already told her to pack for somewhere hot. She doesn't know where yet and she is going to be excited. I am telling here where we are going tonight as I drive her to the airport." Chief nodded and agreed with me. "Matt, listen to guys have had a lot of trouble over the past couple years. You are now pregnant and have barely had time together because you've been called in to do reliever shifts all week on your time off. So please, take her somewhere and go have fun in Cancun. Get a tan for us."

I nodded when he said that. "I just hope that I can convince her to get on a plane. She was worried about it." Chief nodded and agreed. "I am sure she's going to be fine." I smiled when he said that. "She better be because I booked a resort very last minute. Well, it was technically not last minute. I think I actually booked next week off anyways. I was going to cancel this trip if we didn't want to take it. I am just lost, haven't slept much over the past couple days." Chief again. "Well, you guys have a fun honeymoon and just take time to relax."

I nodded and agreed with him. "You get out of here early enough and I will see you in a week. We leave in the morning. I will be back on the 8th." Chief nodded and agreed with me. "You both have fun." I smiled and nodded. "Oh and thanks for getting Gabby the job. Can you clear it with them? Tell them..." Chief agreed with me. "Matt, go home...get your bags and go to Cancun. What time is the flight?" I then smiled and went to check the time. "8 pm. So, I need to get her and drive." Boden agreed and smiled. "Have fun. See you in a week."

I smiled when he said that. "Happy New Year chief." He agreed and smiled as I walked away to go surprise my girl with a trip to Cancun.

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