December 26, 2019

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Matt's POV: After waking up to the sound of something falling in the kitchen, I groaned as I went to put my sweats on the see what the hell Kelly did. I mean, other than him waking us both up when Gabby needs rest after all the stress she's been under. Looking at him, I saw that he dropped a coffee mug and I was not happy. It was a coffee mug that Gabby bought me as a wedding gift. It said 'Daddy' on it because that was my first (and last) Christmas as Louie's dad. "Seriously man, of all the coffee mugs that you break the one with sentimental value?" Kelly then turned to look at me. "Why is this one so sentimental?"

I then walked over to him and went to bend down to clean it up. "This was the coffee mug that Gabby bought me on our first Christmas as husband and wife. It says 'daddy' on it." Kelly then looked at me. "You weren't a dad yet though." That's when I heard Gabby come out. "Oh, but he was. We still had Louie at the time. Sure, we were in those troubles but...he was his daddy for a total of 1 month before we gave him back. But seriously, you broke it?" I then turned to look at Gabby and sighed. "Babe, it's early. Go back to sleep." Gabby then walked over to me and sighed. "You didn't wake up when I left the room 2 minutes ago." I then looked at her.

"Oh shit, did you just..." Gabby nodded and sighed. "It's okay, Stella helped me before she got into the shower." I then went to walk over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "No, it's not okay. Next time, just hit my chest when it happens okay? And we are going to the hospital today okay? We need to get you some of those meds. Maybe we can talk to Dr. Manning." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Listen, I am going back to bed. Can you make me some breakfast?" I nodded and agreed with her before bringing her close. I then went to kiss her and smiled. "Can we wait until tomorrow to do the meds? People will be sick today."

Gabby then nodded, remembering that. "Right, day after Christmas is always a busy day at the emergency room." I nodded when she said that before going to kiss her forehead. "Now listen, how about you go back to bed? I am going to stay awake until they leave. Then, I will come get you so we can have the breakfast Severide is going to make for us while we cuddle on the couch all day." Gabby nodded and agreed with me, kissing me softly. "Sounds like a great plan. Thanks Kelly." Kelly then looked at us both. "I never agreed to that." Gabby then glared at him. "You broke your promise to me that you would be quiet. You want me to go all Latina on you?"

Severide then shook his head. "Nope, I am making breakfast." I then laughed when he said that before looking at Gabby. "I will let you know when they are gone." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded before walking away to get back in bed. Meanwhile, I went to go sit on the couch and got comfortable so that I could talk to Severide while he made us breakfast. "Still can't believe you got me to make you breakfast." I nodded and smirked. "By the way, this is the first time it's just been the two of us in the same room since Gabby got back." He laughed when I said that. "I should just stay until your kid is born. Then you have a babysitter."

I then looked at him. "Yeah, that ain't happening. There's a reason why you need to move out." Severide seemed confused when I said that. "And that is?" I then smiled when he asked. "Me and Gabby need to make a nursery in that room. And I would like to do it with her, so that means you have to be out of here before the baby is born." Severide nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Right, of course man. I promise that we are going to be out of here by your birthday." I smiled when he said that. "That sounds great. Gives me the entire apartment for Valentine's Day."

Severide nodded when I said that. "That's the plan. I know how much you guys are going to want to spend your last Valentine's day alone in bed." I laughed when he said the last part. "Considering I am working on my birthday, yeah..." Severide laughed when I said that. "That sucks." I nodded when he said that. "But at least I get Valentine's day off. My last one where I can have Gabby uninterrupted." Severide smirked when I said that. "God, now I feel bad for you. You are never going to get your girl alone on Valentine's day ever again." I then laughed.

"Yeah, called babysitters. And keep talking and I am going to make sure that you are first on our list. By the way..." I then went to look around to check if Stella was still in the shower. "You have plans yet for you know..." Severide then looked at me and sighed. "Haven't figured that out yet. And it's not going to be next year so stop. I am going to wait another year." I nodded and understood. "Okay man." Severide agreed with me and then smiled as I went to sit at the island. "So, how is it between you honest with me." I smiled when he asked. "Honestly, things have never been better. They say distance is hard on a marriage, but for us we needed it."

Severide nodded and understood. "I am just glad you guys didn't give up on your marriage. Had you given up, I probably would've given up on love. You guys are the second most successful couple at the firehouse." I then stared at him. "Who's first?" Severide laughed. "The Herrmanns."

Quick note: I have been spelling Herrmann's name wrong for a while. I am going to try and remember the correct spelling. Forgive me if I screw up again.

I then nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Okay, that's totally true. God, I still can't believe they have been married that long. It's rare in this day and age." Severide nodded. "Don't worry, you guys are the next ones to make it that long. I can already see you guys being married for over 50 years. I mean, you guys are the ideal couple and what we all look up to at the Firehouse." I smiled when he said that. "While I am flattered, you have to forget the distance." Severide nodded when I said that and smiled. "Still, you guys made it through the hard stuff."

I smiled when he said that. "We have...haven't we?" That's when I got a text from Gabby. "Can you make me breakfast in bed? If you are going to stay least make me eggs." I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing babe, I'll make you eggs and bacon." I then went to grab a pan before going to put it on the stove. However, Severide was confused. "Okay, do you guys have the ability to talk..." I then laughed when he said that as I went to grab the eggs. "No, she texted me." Severide nodded and smiled when I said that. "Okay, that makes sense. Now, get cooking."

I smiled when he said that, going to make some breakfast for Gabby.

Dawsey: Starting a Family Part 1Where stories live. Discover now