Chapter 25

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Matt's POV: After leading Gabby over towards Firehouse 51's sacred ground, I saw her look at the memorial even closer than she did last time. "This is where I saw you for the first time when you came back a couple weeks ago." Gabby nodded when I said that before stepping close to me and going to wrap her arms around me. I then did the same and smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "I love you and I am so happy you are home." Gabby smiled when I said that. "I feel home. I mean it when I say that...I know this is going to sound rude but, Firehouse 51 is our real home." I nodded.

"And someday, it'll be this little one's second home. Maybe even where he is a firefighter or she is a paramedic. Sorry but, you have to admit...we are going to push our little one into the CFD. We may say we won't's unavoidable that we are going to do just that." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Oh definitely. I think I am carrying my future paramedic partner here." I then shook my head. "No, my future fire lieutenant. Boy or girl, I want that. Think about it. Captain Casey and Lieutenant Casey. I want our daughter to be a Lieutenant like me."

Gabby smiled when I said that and agreed. "I want a daughter so bad." That's when we heard Hermann walk up to us with Cindy and the kids. "You guys are going to try for kids again? Or are you going to adopt?" Cindy then looked at us both. "I know how heartbroken you were to loose Louie. Just know that we are here to support you just like last time. We can babysit." I then smiled when she said that. "Actually, we are going to make an announcement later." Hermann then looked at us and just stared at Gabby. Seeing the signs of pregnancy, he already knew.

"Oh my god. Congratulations." He then walked up to Gabby and smiled while hugging her. Gabby however was shocked. "How did you know?" He then smiled at Gabby. "Gabby, we've been pregnant enough for me to know the tell tale signs of a pregnancy." Cindy then looked at Gabby. "Is it true Gabby?" Gabby then nodded and smiled. Walking up to her, Cindy went to hug her. "Oh god, congratulations. You are going to be an amazing mom. I am here to help like last time, I promise. Just not with the living situation. I know you are living with Matt again."

I nodded and smiled. "Of course she is guys. She is my wife after all. By the way, you do not say anything. We are making the announcement tonight." I then went to grab Gabby's hand and intertwined our fingers to lead her into the firehouse. Gabby smiled at me and just held me close as we walked into the house together while talking to the Hermanns. That's when we got to the Ambulance and Gabby stopped me. "Hermann, go inside. We need to do something first." I then looked at her and knew exactly what she wanted to do." Hermann looked at me confused.

"Shay." He then agreed, knowing what I meant. "C'mon kids, let's get inside." All of his kids agreed and followed him into the firehouse for the party. Meanwhile, Gabby when to put her hand on Shay's name. "Hey girl, I am not sure if you can hear me from heaven need to know this. I am pregnant." I then went to rub her back. "She knows babe, I am positive." Gabby agreed with me when I said that before turning around and moving to hug me. Kissing the top of her head, I just held her close and smiled at her. "Listen, let's go inside. You'll get cold."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she went to grab my hand again. Walking into the firehouse together, I couldn't help but have a big grin on my face considering we were going to be telling everybody that we are expecting again.

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