Chapter 96

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A Couple Hours Later (9:30 AM)
Matt's POV: As I wake up on New Year's day 2020, I smile when I see Gabby standing on the balcony while just wearing her underwear and one of my t-shirts. I also saw her bra at the end of the bed which meant that she was not wearing a bra. However, I could hear her talk a bit to the babies. "I am just hoping that you guys are okay. Please don't let that flight hurt you guys. If it does, daddy is going to feel so guilty and it is going to kill him." I then sighed when she said that, deciding to get up so that I could go be with her this morning.

Getting up and walking through the room (and past our jacuzzi bath), I went to make my way out to her. "Morning sickness or just woke up." Gabby then looked up at me and knew I heard her. "How much did you hear?" I then sighed and looked at her. "Come here." Gabby then went to get up off the chair and came to get close to me. Putting my hands on her stomach, I smiled as I went to rub it. "They are safe in here babe, I know it." Gabby nodded when I said that before going to rub my arms. Looking at her, I went to push her chin up and kisses her.

"Happy New Year's babe." Gabby smiled when I said that and then went to wrap her arms around me. "Happy New Year." Wrapping her arms around my shoulders, Gabby went to kiss me again and smiled. "We staying here?" I nodded. "First, I went to remind you that everything is going to be great during this pregnancy. Everything is safe. Now listen, we had a late night and you are still really tired. Now, we are going to have to order breakfast about we look at that menu together?" Gabby nodded when I said that.

Grabbing her hand, I smiled as I went to lead her towards our bed before opening the covers. "By the way, I hope you know that first we are doing a much better Happy New Year kiss than that." Gabby then turned around in my arms and laughed. Stepping close to her, I went to put my hands on her hips and kissed her softly before playing with my t-shirt. "How about I take this off and we can do something even sexier when it comes to saying happy new year?" Gabby laughed when I said that, feeling me play with her shirt.

"Take it off baby. I want to ring in the new year exactly how you are thinking." I then went to take it off when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh c'mon!" Gabby then laughed as she went to get in bed. "Just a minute!" Going to grab a towel from the washroom, I went to wrap it around my waist so that I could open the door.

 "Just a minute!" Going to grab a towel from the washroom, I went to wrap it around my waist so that I could open the door

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Walking over to the door once I had my towel on, I went to go see who it was when I saw it was room service. "Good morning and Happy New Year Mr. Casey. Your breakfast." I was confused when he said that. "Babe, you order breakfast?" Gabby then looked at me from bed and shook her head. "Nope." I then looked at him. "Who from here ordered it?" The man then went to check the receipt. "An Antonio Dawson. Oh and he says Happy New Year from Chicago." I then smiled. "That's my brother-in-law." He agreed and smiled. "Just leave the cart in the hall when you are done. Have a good day and happy new year once again." The bellhop then walked away to get back to work. Meanwhile, I brought the cart in and saw there was a wide array of things.

Gabby looked at it and smiled. "That was sweat of Antonio." I smiled when she said that and then went to bring it close to her. Leaning over her, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "Yes it was. Now, I am going to put a shirt on. You should do the same." Gabby was confused when I said that. "Why?" I then smiled. "Be honest, you want to call your brother to thank him for this." Gabby then shrugged and nodded. "You know me the best." I agreed and smiled at her. "Listen, I will find the iPad from my laptop bag and then I will make us some plates of waffles with some fruits on them. Then, I am going to just put some sweats on. I am not taking a shower...I am going to take a swim instead." Gabby nodded. "Then put your suit and tank top on."

I nodded and agreed with her. "Meanwhile, you can just wear something that is comfortable and allows me to rub that stomach of yours. Maybe even put some nice kisses on it." Gabby then got up and smiled when I said that. Walking over to me, she went to wrap her arms around me and smiled as she went to kiss me softly. "I love you, you know that right?" I nodded and smiled. "I love you too. Now listen, let's get dressed and then we can get comfortable in bed. Then, we'll call Antonio and eat while we talk to him quickly." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Walking over to our individual suitcases, we both picked out some swimwear to wear before going into the washroom together so that we could get changed.

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