Chapter 67

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After taking a few breaths, Gabby made her way out to the kitchen to see Matt setting the table. "You are really going all out for supper aren't you?" Matt then turned to look at her and smiled. "I think this is the first time we are having supper here just the two of us in a while. So, I wanted to do something nice for us." Gabby smiled when he said that before walking over to him and then wrapping her arms around him. "Thanks for helping me in there. I know it's not something I should've worried about was on my mind." Matt nodded and agreed with her, kissing her forehead before looking into her eyes. "Gabby, you can always talk to me. I am here for you."

Gabby smiled when Matt said that before nodding. "You got supper or want me to heat up the leftovers? And what are we having for leftovers anyways?" Matt laughed when Gabby asked him that. "Just sit down. I actually asked Severide to get me something and he dropped it off for us while we were watching a movie." Gabby was confused when he said that. "He not staying here anymore?" Matt shook his head while walking over to the kitchen.

"Nope. He is going to move all of his stuff out of here. He and Stella are going to move in so that we can convert his bedroom to a nursery. Honestly, I am sorry to say this but...I don't think I am going to have the money for a down payment for a home. Not when we are going to have pregnancy expenses. Including those related to making sure that you survive this." Gabby then looked at Matt as she walked over to the counter, nervous. "Is money a problem when it comes to this?" Turning around to look at her, Matt was shocked when she said that.

Matt's POV:
When Gabby asked me whether money was going to be a problem when it came to the pregnancy, I was shocked. Gabby is my wife and if she thinks I am not going to spare whatever expense I have to in order to make sure we have this baby...she is mistaken. "Gabby, don't even think about that." Walking around the counter, I went to grab her hands and just stepped close to her. "Gabby, if I could pay for someone to remove that aneurysm...I would do it in a heartbeat. The same goes for your pregnancy. Your life has no price tag."

Gabby nodded when I said that before moving to hug me. "Sorry I even thought that." I nodded and agreed with her, kissing her shoulder before turning her head to kiss her. "You can always talk to me okay? We are in this together." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that before going to grab my hand. "Listen, you want to go take a walk after supper? I think you've been inside a bit too much. It might be nice to get some fresh air again." Gabby then bit her lip. "I would rather not go out tonight. There's nobody out anyways."

I then sighed when she said that. "Gabby listen, we are not done talking about this so...go sit at the table and we can eat while we talk about it." Gabby nodded and agreed as she went to sit down. Meanwhile, I went to grab us the leftovers I heated up for us. Grabbing the plates, I went to carry them over to the table and then smiled at Gabby while setting her plate down in front of her. I then went to bend down and smiled at her, kissing her quick. "Merry Christmas babe." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. I then went to walk away to the kitchen.

Grabbing some sparkling water, I went to put them in some glasses and smiled at her while walking over. "That isn't wine is it?" I shook my head. "Sparkling water, I promise." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. Setting her glass down, I then went to sit in front of her. "So, listen...about what you said there. Gabby, I already said that I was going to make sure you survive this. And we want this baby...we both do. If there is anything I can do to make sure you survive this, we will do it. We looked up that place at UIC. And we also have the fundraiser."

Gabby then nodded when I said that. "How much do we have in there anyways?" I then went to take my phone out and smiled. "We already have around $4,000 in there." Gabby was shocked when I said that. "How many donors?" I then smiled at her, giving her my phone. "I think it's mostly CFD and CPD. " Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "I think this just gave me a much bigger confidence boost. Sorry to say this but, I thought you were really the only one who didn't think I was crazy for doing this. I mean, be honest with me...if you were looking at this from the outside. Woman with aneurysm can die if she has a baby, but does it anyways."

I then sighed when she said that. "I would probably think you were crazy. Sorry but, that's the truth. But being your husband...I see it as a way to show me how much you love me." Gabby then went to take a bite of the mashed potatoes I made and was shocked. "Oh god, those are good." I nodded and smiled. "I asked for some recipes from the firehouse if I ever didn't want to go out. They gave me a while back." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Good. But listen, I am sorry for doubting this. I am just nervous still I guess." I nodded and understood what she meant. "At the end of the day Gabby, you have to remember that I am in this with you. We both want this."

Gabby smiled when I said that, probably really happy that I said that. "And that is something we should toast to...along with us having a baby and being back together in Chicago, where I belong." I smiled when she said that and nodded as we toasted to Christmas, the baby and her being home. Quickly getting up, I then went to kiss her softly. "Merry Christmas, love you." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Merry Christmas. I love you too Matt." I smiled when she said that before going to sit down so that I could eat supper with her.

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