Merry Christmas

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Matt's POV: As I woke up the next morning, I sighed since it was Gabby woke me up when she got back in bed. She must've had morning sickness this morning. Feeling her tug the covers up, I decided to roll over and cuddle up to her from behind before kissing her back softly. "Merry Christmas." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Merry Christmas to you too." I then went to kiss her back again. "You just have some morning sickness?"

Gabby nodded and sighed. "Yeah." I then moved to rub her waist. "Promise me tomorrow you are going to tell me okay? I am going to help you okay? You are not in this alone Gabby, I promise." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "Sorry." She then went to rub my arm and smiled as she just held me close. "You sure you don't just want to stay around here today babe? If you are having morning sickness...I would rather we just stay home."

Watching as Gabby rolled over to me, I could tell she wasn't happy about that. Putting her hand on my face, she just looked at me. "That's the thing. I want to volunteer because it's just me. It's in my heart to volunteer." I nodded and agreed with her, putting my hand on her hip as I held her close. "Gabby, you also have to put your health first. If you aren't feeling good...then you need to stay home and put your health first. Promise me that?"

Gabby nodded when I said that before rolling over in my arms and moving close to me. Wrapping her arms around me just like I did, she looked into my eyes. "I guess we can just stay in bed like this." I nodded when she said that. "We don't need to do anything today. Today, we can just concentrate on you and make sure that you are healthy. Well, maybe stay like this though. I like this skin-to-skin contact I am getting with you."

I then went to leave another kiss on her back. "I mean, this is pretty comfortable right?" Gabby laughed when I said that and nodded. "Oh, that it is." Moving her arms around my neck, Gabby went to kiss me softly when I heard my phone vibrate. I just sighed and looked at her. "I am just going to check okay?" Gabby nodded as I let her go. Rolling over in bed to check, I saw it was my niece Violet. "Gabby, I have to get this."

Gabby was confused when I said that. "Who is it?" I then smiled at her. "Violet." I then went to answer it. "Well, if it isn't my favorite niece." Violet laughed when I said that. "I hope I am not waking you up uncle Matt. Just wanted to say Merry Christmas." I agreed and smiled. "I just woke up. Actually, how about I put you on speaker and you can speak to your aunt Gabby?" Violet seemed shocked by that. "Oh, you guys are still married?"

I sighed when she said that because I just put it on speaker when she said it. "Yes we are still married Violet. In fact, we are more than just married...we are happily married." I nodded and agreed with her. "Actually, we have some news I want to share with you." Violet was confused. "Please don't tell me you are moving away." I then shook my head. "No. But, you are going to be getting a new cousin next year." Violet was shocked. "Gabby, you're pregnant?"

Gabby laughed and agreed with her. "Yes, I am. It's a bit early to say it but...I am happy we told you. You are family." Violet agreed. "I am at my dad's right just pretend I am there hugging you. I know you want to be parents so bad and I am glad you are pregnant again. Let's hope that this time it goes better for the both of you." I agreed with her when she said that. "Thanks Violet. And by the way, I expect a lot of babysitting from my favorite niece."

Violet laughed when I said that. "First of all, I am your only niece." Gabby then added on. "I have a niece too Violet. Her name is Eva." Violet then remembered. "Right, the cop's daughter. I know her because we go to the same school. I know she had the last name Dawson...just didn't want to assume." I agreed with her. "Yeah. By the way, you do not tell her that we are pregnant before I get a chance to tell her myself." Violet agreed. "Of course aunt Gabby."

I smiled when she said that. "How's your mom kiddo? We haven't spoken in a while." Violet then sighed. "Somewhere with her latest boyfriend. I swear, it's like she wants to go to jail. She picks horrible boyfriends." I sighed when she said that. "Well listen, keep an eye out for me okay? If she gets in trouble, I will try and talk to her. Not that we have the best relationship." Gabby sighed when I said that before going to get up. "Listen, you talk to her. I'm going to shower."

I then looked at her and nodded. "Of course." Gabby then smiled as she went to lean over me. Grabbing my face, she went to kiss me softly. I then smiled when she did that. "I love you and today we just relax." I agreed and smiled. "No soup kitchen! We helped out yesterday." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as I grabbed her hand. Violet then spoke up. "Aw, I was going to ask my dad to drive me by the firehouse." I laughed. "Sorry V, I am going to hang out with Gabby."

Violet understood. "Maybe we can have lunch sometime soon. I want to get back into a routine where I get away from my parents. Gets boring after a while of having to go back and forth." I agreed and understood. That was probably hard on her and I really felt bad for her. "If you ever need a place to relax, just give me a call and I am sure that I can talk to your parents. You can come stay with me and Gabby. But just not today. Today I want my girl alone."

Violet agreed with me. "Of course uncle Matt. Merry Christmas to you both again. Now, I need to call my other uncle on my dad's side." I agreed with her. "Of course Violet. Talk soon and have a good day." I then went to hang up and smiled before setting my phone down. I then smiled as I went to grab my towel. Quickly taking off my boxers, I smiled as I went to join Gabby in the shower so that we could have a bite of intimate time together.

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